Saturday 15 February 2014

Ipi Ntombi

Ipi Ntombi.

An Image in all, and of Africa, and that has come to be popularized in all again, and by International and Wordly Media too, and as with it even said to speak of the Typical, General and Average Behaviour of Africans in all, and as with it even in all again, an Image, and that does arise, and in Post-Colonial Africa too, and as a kind of Entertainment Media in all, and as geared towards the Poor (in spirit) in Africa actually. In all ways even, this kind of Image, and as differing even and from that put out by URTNA for instance, and speak even of Youssour N'Dour, and which does speak of the Typical, Average and General Behaviour of Africans, and as very much based around the cultures of the Chad, and with a third group of Africans, criminal in their ways, having Typical, General and Average Behaviour too, said African in all (and as with speak even of many an African Politician today that is), and as said arising with 'the Sudan', and Nubia too that is.
