Saturday 15 February 2014

African Dress

African Dress.

The African Persona:

One does find that in many a way, African societies today, often tend to concentrate on speak of Hair in all,and as with regards even, and to everyday and daily Identity too that is. This was not true of the past in all, and as in attempting here in all again, to very much broach the topic in all, and of what does constitute for the African Persona that is.

That in all again, African Dress, and as used even to define many a Title in society, did come even, and to strongly in all again, truly define the African Persona in all [and as with this even at the very heart of Regional differences, and to be seen in Africa too that is] [all this and as compared to other parts of the World, and where Dress in all again, does speak of simply in all, Presenting oneself to others that is].

In all again, when one does speak of the African Persona in all, and as with regards even perhaps, and to speak of resolving Conflict too, not only does one find African Dress, and as influential even, and in defining African Personas, but that in all ways even, the African Persona in all, and speak even of genuine African Dress, does appear in many a way, to speak of Cameroon actually [and alongside its Cultures too that is].

In all, Cameroonians, and as very much playing the role, and of Advisors too, and throughout Africa in all, and as compared to Ugandans, and who are knowledgeable about Africa and as with speak even of URTNA too perhaps, but that Cameroonians in all again, and as opposed to Nigerians too, it is actually believed do know whats best for Africa in all, and at any given moment too that is [and as with this even referring to Foreign Affairs actually]. 

Finally, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) in all though, and as housing a different Persona, and from that said Cameroon too, and as with this Persona in all again very much speaking of Kenya too, but that in all ways even is to say that, it is Cameroonians in all, that are most probably similar to Kenyans actually, and not speak of Ugandans, Tanzanians or other Africans either, and when it does come to speak of being Personable in all that is.