Wednesday 19 February 2014



Community Development and Africa:

This entry in many a way, does speak even and of just what does constitute for Community Development in Africa, and as with further speak even and of E-Government in itself too actually. That in all ways even, what will be presented here, is a simple manner in all again, and of not only envisioning Community Development in Africa, but in many a way even E-Government in itself, but truly in many a way too, a means or manner even, and of designing a Small Business in many a way truly.

In all, this Model, can be said to basically consist of only three parts in all:

1. Sharing Protocol: With Sharing in many a way, historically associated with Traditional African Governments, it in many a way even, does speak and of what some do term Funding in all, and as it in all even, does speak of sharing with others, Resources, and as including Knowledge in itself too actually. In all though, the ability to develop a suitable Sharing Protocol, has proven difficult for many, and as with attempting even to truly ask just whom in all again, one should seek to share in all, many a Resource or even Information in itself, and as with regards to advancing ones cause that is. To give an example of this, is to perhaps speak of Russia and the KGB, and as with they even developing a Spy Network, and as based around a Sharing Protocol, and that did speak and of terms and such as Comrade, Compadre, Friend, Ally, Compatriot etc. In the Modern/Western World today though, a failure in all and in developing what they do term a proper Sharing Protocol in all, and as with speak even of a general culture of being mean and selfish in the Western World in all again, and as with Sharing Protocols even, defined in all again, and from speak of superior-equal-inferior that is.

2. Risk Management: In all, this speaking and of what some do term Investment in all again, and in a Community or Business too, and as with truly defining in all, Success, Wealth and even being Human in itself, and from speak even of Risk, and what one in all again has to gain or lose that is.

3. Knowledge Production: The very world of Knowledge Production has proven to be rather problematic for most people today, and as with it even associated in all, and with Technical Research too, and further speak even and of possessing all kinds of specialized tools and equipment that is. Many though don't tend to ask in all, just how the ancients in all again, did actually produce Knowledge, and as with speak even and of just how the Pyramids were built in all. Take Egypt for instance, and where Knowledge Production, did go along and with Meditative techniques, and that did in all even speak of going into a Trance or Possession in itself, and further speak even, and of what some do term Altered States of Consciousness that is. It was however the Greeks, and that did in many a way originate the manner of Knowledge Production, and which does speak even and of Art/Physics, Science and Geometry too [and as with Geometry in all, not well understood today that is]. In many a way, most of the World, and as including Europe, have come to be shaped in all, and as with regards to Knowledge Production in itself, and in the manner the Greeks and Egyptians did define it in all that is. There is however a third way of thinking about Knowledge Production, and which does speak of Italy too, and is today in many a way, falsely said even, to be associated and with Ancient World too that is [but as with speak even of the origins of Italy, and as going back to the Greek times actually]. This in all, does speak and of associating oneself, and with a Book or Text, and which is believed to hold nearly all the answers you might need, and from a Logical perspective too. It in all again, does speak even and of developing a strong or high Imagination, and as with this furtherly speaking even and of what some do term Mysticism, Spiritualism, Thought, Catechesis and even speak truly even, and of the Bible, and as basic Logical framework even, and as with regards to developing Imagination that is.

Finally in all again, African Knowledge Systems and as said mainly Egyptian in their ways, and as with stating that, Oracles and in basic sense, can be said Egyptian, Greek or Italian too that is.