Tuesday 29 April 2014

Danse Macabre

Danse Macabre.

Race Relations and Africa:

This post in many a way, will attempt to introduce those in Africa, and to Race relations, and as not perceived even and in speak even and Facial features too, but in all ways even and of Skin Colours that is. In many a way in all again, it will also attempt to speak of Africa, and as with regards to the history of Slavery in itself actually [and as with their being a reason, and why a small H was used here that is].

In all, this in all again does speak even and of Race relations and as viewed in all and from the very perspective and of Europe too, and as it was Europe in all and that did define Race, and from speak even of Skin Colours that is. 

In many a way, most in Africa have come in all and in viewing Race relations, and in a manner even, and that does speak of Central Asia and North America too. That in all, it does speak even of viewing Africa and from speak of History in itself [and as African History now in all even, associated in all again and with Slavery too], or even truly again, speak of Africa, and from speak even of Feminine standards of Beauty that is [and speak even of African Women, and from the perspective of Musculature, or even voices too].

To speak though and of Race, and from a European perspective, is to not here though speak of it and as with regards to Images of Respect [and as with this even speaking of an Ignorance in all, and as with regards to European History in itself, and speak even of Servitude and if not slavery, and as having been part even and of European History too], but that in all ways even, speak of Race, and from a Greek perspective in all, and which does speak of Expression in itself actually [that basically in all again and as with speak of Africa, peoples of differing Colours and as hereby simply said White, Brown and Black, do actually have differing/different 'Voices' in all actually]. 

Having said the above, is to in all even somewhat attempt to broach the following topic or subject in all, that the differing/different Colours on this Earth, are very much even on different Evolutionary paths, and if Evolution here, is viewed and from speak even of Expression in itself that is [the very basic belief that, Humanity in all, does very much speak of Earth bound experiences, and not those said Heavenly in all actually, and as with they said here in all even, and to speak in all again and of just whom in all, we are with Expression that is].

To understand all this better is to say that, the White Races in all, do actually tend to have (or do actually have), their own forms of Expression (and 'Voices' too), and which in all again and as with regards primarily to Europe in all [and as with speak even of Italy here excluded and for many a complex reason too], does speak even of what some do term in all even, 'Danse Macabre' that is [Link1, Link2]. That in all again, it is only the White Races and that are capable of this form of Expression, and as with this all even furtherly speaking of the White Races, and as said even to possess certain forms of Intelligence(s)/'voices' and as unique to them too that is.

In attempting to make the above clearer, is to speak in all even, and of the History of Europe, and from the very perspective and of Europe in all and as said to house, differing/different (Skin) Colours in it that is. To understand this better, is to speak of White Expression, and as very much taking three forms in all: one White [Link - Anna Karenina Movie], the other Brown [Link - Shakespeare in Love Movie], and finally one in all again Black that is [Link - Elizabeth Movie]. That unknown to most Africans in all, and as with speaking even and to Black Africans too, Europeans and as engaging in Slavery and even Colonialism, were actually in all using an Expression, and that did actually speak of Black Europe.

In all ways even, the above does call into question just how in all, the differing Colours in Africa, should in all ways even interact with each other. That this in all, does take dimensions and as seen in Italy too perhaps, and where differing Colours in all, were actually associated and with differing Creed/religion in all actually. To speak of Africa as such, and as with this model said in all, and to work much better in all again, and as compared in all even, and to viewing Race relations, and as speaking of Skin Colours, and as truly based around Table Discussions in all that is [and speak even of the contrasting, comparing etc., in all, and as with speak even of notions of  superiority/inferiority in all, and between the differing Skin Colours / Races and in Africa too that is] [and further speak even of the known said fact that Brown skinned Africans, were never slaves in all truly that is]. In all again, a belief that, the best way to approach all this, is to actually speak of Religious/Spiritual practises, and as taking the form of Totemism, Animism, Fetishism, Spiritism, Eroticism, Exoticism etc. Fetishism, and as in truly realizing that White Women in all do actually have different voices, and from Brown or Black Women too that is. Spiritism, and as in using any Figure, and as with they even reknowed and Ancestral too, and such as speak even of the basic example here, and of using Dr. Wole Soyinka for instance, and to judge many a Brown skinned African in all that is. Animism, and as in seeking to very much be intuitive in all, and as a Canine would be, and while interacting or communicating and with White Men too that is.

In all again, the above stated in all, and as we do live in a World today, and where White Expression, is in all again very much associated and with Civility in itself, while Black and Brown Expression [or speak even of 'Voices' too], are in many a way relegated and to speak even of Anthropology in itself too that is [and with African Expression in all, very much dying, and as with it even falsely viewed and from speak even of Modern Institutions, and as versus speak even and of Consciousness, African too, and in these Modern Times we live in that is] [and with Brown Expression too in all gain, it said even European, today said in all again and to speak in all perhaps even, and of Alexandre Dumas too that is].

Friday 25 April 2014

The Neo-Classical

The Neo-Classical.

The Neo-Classical, and as with it even said to speak of a certain form or kind of Materiality in all, and one too in all again, and that does merge even, and with White African Identity in all that is [and speak even of Western Identities in Africa today too actually].

Thursday 24 April 2014

Western Esotericism

Western Esotericism.

To speak of Western Esotericism, is to in all ways even, speak of New Age Religion. Why in all though, would New Age Religion be beneficial to Africans? In all, it does even speak of just how in all, Africans have perceived their World in all again, and from the very times of Slavery in itself, and onwards and unto speak of Colonialism too, and not from further speak even of Institutions that is, but in all ways even and in speak of Consciousness in itself too actually. That in all again, Africa in all has been falsely presented and by the Media in all, Modern/Western too, and as very much a Savage place in all even, and from the very times of Slavery too, but that in all ways even and as with regards to most Africans today [and speak even of African Institutions], Africa in many a way has truly made strides, and as with regards to Consciousness in itself too actually.

In all though, and as with regards to New Age Religion, what does constitute and for New Age Consciousness and Africa? It in all does speak even and of being Exposed or Meeting in all, ones (Equal) Self/self in all gain, and as with regards even and to speak of Symbols or even Artefacts in themselves too that is [and controversially said even, wherever they might be found] [and as with speak truly even and of what does constitute for an African Consciousness today that is].

In all, all this and as speaking even and of those who do seek to reside outside the African Continent, that they in all should mitigate in all again, the creating of Identity and as based around Institution, and more in favour and for the creating of Identity, and as based around speak of Consciousness in itself actually.

'the Arab'/Morisco:

Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Womens Bible Commentary

The Womens Bible Commentary.

To speak of the Womens Bible Commentary, is to not only speak and of just how Africans in all do perceive Body Consciousness in many a way [and speak even of African Stereotypes in all], but in many a way truly even, a belief in all again that, Africa in all does best function even, and when African societies in all again are differentiated, and in speak of Men's society/Society and Women's society/Society too.

Monday 21 April 2014



To speak of the Numbers 0,1 and 2, is to in all ways even speak of not only Perfectionism and as defined and as based around speak of Wholeness, Totality, Uniformity etc., but in many a way though, a better manner and of thinking of all this, and pretty much African in its ways too, does speak even and of the above Numbers and as representing Entities and Non-Entities too. That speak of 1 and as based around Perfectionism too does speak even of being Unique in all [and in a Singular manner too], while speak of 2 on the otherhand, and as with regards to speak of Perfectionism, does in all ways even speak of terms such as Double, Twins, Halves etc., while many another Number in all, does speak even of Compatriots, Comrades, Pals, Buddies etc. [and as with regards to Perfectionism that is].

In all though, speak of the above Numbers and from the very perspective of Entities and Non-Entities, might in many a way even speak and of just how we do perceive Power, Might & Authority and on an everyday or daily basis too, but that in all ways even is to tell one that, it is the Number 0, and that is truly African in its ways actually, while 1 and 2 have often been popular outside Africa in all [but with they still found in Africa that is], and with 0 in many a way, and as with regards to Entities and Non-Entities, speaking in all ways even perhaps, and of the name 'Anonymous' for instance [and as seen in History too that is].

Sunday 20 April 2014



Numidia, and as with it even speaking of Carthage too, but as with regards to Africa in all, speak even of the Limits, Heights and Reaches of African Tribal/Family Identity, and as versus speak of Temperament only in all, and as used to define or speak of African Tribal/Family Identity that is [and as with Family/Tribal Identity here, perceived even and from speak of Intellect primarily, and not Institution truly either]. 

Saturday 19 April 2014



Paraphernalia and African Behavioural Dynamics:

Paraphernalia, and as with it even speaking of Materiality in all, and that does truly even go along perhaps, and with everyday survival and in Africa too that is [and as with speak even of a basic mindset too perhaps, and as with regards to fighting Poverty in Africa that is] [and all this too, and as viewed even and from speak of Knowledge Dispersal in all actually, and as with regards truly even that is, and to the right Knowledge reaching the right person and at the right time too for instance].

Sir Clive Sinclair

Sir Clive Sinclair.

Computing Research Strategies and Africa:

Most in all, do know that Africa in many a way, is perceived even backward and in Thought too [despite even speak of Koffi Annan for instance, and as the UN Secretary-General], and as with further regards even and to speak of Modern societies in all, and due in all again to a Consciousness in all too, Worldly too that is, and that does speak even of Intelligence or Intellect too, and as now associated even, and with speak of Computer Technologies that is.

That Africa in all again, and as with regards even to speak of Global Consciousness, is not viewed truly backwards and as with speak even of the Car, and due in all perhaps, and to many a person associating Global Consciousness and with Aesthetics too, and as with African Aesthetics even [and speak even of the African Visual Arts too for instance], deemed of more interest in all, and as compared to Asian Aesthetics in all for instance [that African Aesthetics, still do make for a high-end market in all, and as compared to Asian Aesthetics, and which are more or less mainstream in their ways that is][all this too, and as with speak even of African styled Entertainment, and as including Sports Stars, and as more popular in all historically, and as compared to speak of Asian Aesthetics in all for instance].

To speak of Africa and the International Consciousness, does speak even of Africa, and as presented and from Country based perspectives too that is.

However though, it is believed that it is best for Africans at the present, to truly attempt to Develop in all too even, and from a Worldly Consciousness perspective that is. That while Gender divisions in Africa, do view Women in Africa and as thinking of Africa and from a Global Consciousness perspective, Men in Africa on the otherhand though, do tend to think of Africa and from an International Consciousness perspective too that is.

In all though, and as with regards to Worldly Consciousness, Africa and as said Backward in Thought, does in all even speak of the promise in all and of Computing Research and Technologies, and as with they not only going along and with speak of Robotics too for instance, but that in all ways even, when Africans do think of Computing Research, it might help in all again to steer away and from speak even of America and Europe in all, and perhaps in all again, speak even of Sir Clive Sinclair (and as with he even Scottish and not English truly either), and as with he in many a way again, the progenitor, and of the Basic Programming Language [and as with it now even said to speak of Visual Basic too], and as with all this too, referring to the very world of the Microsoft .Net Framework, and as with it even believed best handled in all, and as with regards to speak of Visual Basic too that is [and all this too, and as referring even and to just what does constitute and for a Worldly Consciousness in all that is].

Friday 18 April 2014



The above two works in all, and as speaking even and of Expression and as seen in Meroe/Nubia too, and as Expression in all again, very much a part of so termed Western Civilization that is [and an Expression too in all, and that does speak even and of the term Angst that is].



Necromancy/Geomancy, and as a form of Divination in all [but as with it even branching out into many a Mathematical Body of Knowledge], and that does very well even go along and with speak of the Story, and in all ways even and in the attempt to put it all in a certain perspective, speak in all even and of the very world of Armor & Arms/Weapons and as seen in Europe/Italy too, and as with it all even a way of life lived around speak of Necromancy/Geomancy that is.

In all ways even, a manner of evolution, and that does even speak of the Masterpiece [and such as Le Morte D'Arthur and as a work of Necromancy/Geomancy too], and in many a way too in all, speak of Materiality and as going along and with speak of Sanctity/Divinity/Iconography too that is [and all this even and as speaking of Evolution in itself too actually].

Thursday 17 April 2014

The Dogmatic

The Dogmatic.

The Dogmatic in all, actually in many a way, does speak even and of how we do perceive Pertinence [and as with this referring even and to Obstacles, and also 'Blocks'/Blockage too], and as with regards even and to anything we might in all attempt to do that is. In many a way, the Dogmatic in all, does also refer to speak even of self/Self-Control that is.

In all, when one does think of the Dogmatic, one can think of it and from the perspective of Ineptitude [and further speak even of Time constraints], and as the Egyptians in all did, or even speak of the Greeks and Ignorance too [and further speak even of foregoing Success or even Life's dues too that is] [and further speak even of pity in itself], or furtherly again speak of Italy, and Forgiveness too [and further speak even of remorse or misery too that is].

When it all though does come to speak of Africa, and as with basic speak even of defining in all African Policy too [and as with speak even of the attempt in all to get many a person interested in a Government Agenda too for instance], the Dogmatic in all, and alongside speak even of Pertinence too, does in many a way even speak of Deformities in all actually [and as with speak even of one and as said rather vengeful or spiteful and about life too that is].

The Polity

The Polity.

The Polity, and as with it even very much speaking of Africa and Warfare too, and as versus a basic belief even that, Africans in all do tend to go to War, and as with regards to speak of Nationalism, Civil Rights or even speak of Political Tyranny too that is [and which in all again are issues or matters dealt with oftenly, and by Africans too, and by just how Africans in all do define Shame that is].

In all though, Africans and as going to War perhaps, and as based around speak of defining African Identities, and as based around Polities too, or in many a way even, speak of Africans and as creating Civic Identities too that is [and as with it all even said Iconic in all, or in many a way too and as with speak even of Life's Experiences and as said paramount in all and for many an African, and as with further regards even and to speak of African Dispositions/attributes in all, and as with all this even basically speaking of Local Industries too that is].

''African Polities'':




The term Teleology in all, does speak even, and of the Inherent nature and of many a thing too. In all again, it does dictate that we are in all again perhaps, connected to Nature in such a manner that, we do in all face similar Fates, and to many a thing we might Identify with, and in Nature too that is [and as with this speaking even and of the term Intrinsic too that is].

To put Teleology and in a certain understandable perspective for most Africans, is to in all even speak of what does constitute for African Identity, and as with speak even of a Worldly Consciousness too that is. That there does exist outside Africa, many a group of people not truly African in all, but in all ways even of similar Phenotypes that is, and whose relation in all, and with Africans must be in many a way well understood perhaps, and as with regards even to speak of Africa and from the perspective of Potential, or even the Sacred too that is.

To understand all this better, is to know that, Africans in all, can in many a way simply speak of each other and as with furtherly including African looking peoples to be seen all over the World, and as based around speak of Contrast (and further speak even of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority), Comparisons (and further speak even of Similarities-Differences), and even speak of Collate too perhaps (or even speak of Semblance/Resemblance too that is).

In speaking of the above in all too really, is to then perhaps say that, Africans and as perceiving themselves and as based around Contrast in all, does speak even and of Africa as a Continent, and contrast too, and as speaking even of African Ethnographic Identities that is. To speak of Africa and from the very perspective of Comparison, is to not only speak of the African Continent again, but that in all ways even speak of just whom Africans in all are and as with regards to speak of the so termed Black Diaspora too [and even Black Identity in all] [and as with this even speaking of South Africans in all again, and as creating Identity, and that does speak of a Black-White dichotomy too that is]. Finally in all again, to speak of Africans and as with regards to Collation and which does in all ways even speak of the Continent of Africa, and in many a way too, those said in all and to consist of the African Diaspora that is. In all, the Continent of Africa, and as very much also speaking of the world of the Pharaohs of Egypt too that is.

Collation and Africa:

Tuesday 15 April 2014



Christian Identity and Kenya:

This entry in all, will attempt in all again and to introduce one, and to the Politics of Secularism/Secular Identity, and as seen in Kenya today that is. That it in many a way and in a simple sense, does speak even and of just whom one in all for instance, does seek to Befriend that is [and further speak even of segregative attitudes and as to be seen in Kenya today too that is].

The term Hyperbole in many a way though, simply refers to things said in all, and which in many a way, can be said to be exaggerated in one way or another that is.

For many a person in the World today, issues or matters and as pertaining to Discrimination or Segregative attitudes are often associated and with speak of History, Racial Identity, Skin Colours or even Ethics/Ethical Identity too that is [and as with speak even of Stereotypes in themselves actually]. In all ways though, this is mentioned because, many a Powerful Figure in the World today, and as with speak even of the Forbes Billionaire List, often present themselves, and as with regards in all too even, and to speak of Christian Identities that is [and as with Christian Identity, going along and with speak of Christian speech, and similar to that in all again, possessed, and by the Queen of England too for instance].

Having said the above in all, is to in all ways even state that it does speak in all again and of just what this post is all about, and as with regards even to Christians in all, and as possessing segregative attitudes towards others, and as with regards to speak of 'speech' that is [and speak of their simply not wanting to Bond with others that is].

In many a way though, to speak of Christian Identity, is to speak of the differing branches of the Christian Faith in all, and as seen in many a part of the World too that is. That first off, the Christian Faith must not be confused and with speak of Christianity too, and as the latter in all does in all again concentrate alot on the Bible, and with the former speaking of the world of Christian Symbols, and also speak of differing Christian speech too that is [and as with practitioners of Christianity in all, not said to possess Christian speech that is].

In many a way, the Christian Faith and as known to exist in Europe (and under the name of Gnosticism), Italy [and as with the Christian Faith and as very much termed Christendom too, concetrated in all and in Italy too] [but with the Christian Faith in Italy, and as existing in the form of Goth/Gothic worship, and also Gnosis too], but with the Christian Faith too, said to find a home (and as with speak even of many an Idea here and there), and in Abyssinia too, but with the Christian Faith in all again, and under the term Gnostic, found in Quebec too, but with it all in all again in all actually, also found in Mexico and under the term Goth too, but with Japan too, also possessing a Christian Identity, and via the Netherlands and Italy in all, and one very much Gnostic too that is [and as with it even a 'Minority' Religion, and in a Buddhist Japan too that is].

Having said the above in all again, is to also note that, Gnosticism in all, actually does go and with speak even of Nature worship and also many a (Religious) Ritual that is [and with the Gnostic on the otherhand, simply concentrating and on (Religious) Ritual too that is]. To speak of Gnosis and Italy, is to also speak of the term 'Forza', and as with it all even representing the Christian Faith, and from speak highly of Institution [and as with the case even of the Pope that is]. To speak of the Goth, the Gothic [and as with the Gothic too, found in Europe and as concetrated in Scotland that is], or even Abyssinia [and as with Palestine in all, and speak even of the History of the Crusades in the Middle East possessing a Christian Identity, similar to that seen in Abyssinia], does in all ways even speak of the Christian Faith, and as centered around Scholarship in all too actually. 

In many a way, the above does call into question, and of just what in all, does go on in the Christian World so to speak. For in all again, Japan's Christian Identity, has been at the forefront and of helping Japan Modernize in all, while Europe today, does face even a crisis, and as with regards to its populations [many of them today an Immigrant too] [and as Immigrants in all again, have been streaming into Europe, and since the so termed 'Fall of Europe' in all and as with it speaking even of the French Revolution that is], and populations too, and that do not care too much in all, and in adhering to Europe's Christian Identity that is [and despite talk of Europe as Wealthy, and as with its Intelligentsia traditionally too, Christian in all that is]. In Abyssinia though, they more Intelligent than most might think, many an attitude and by the Government of Ethiopia, and as with regards to creating Modern Identities, and as with the Ethiopian Government in all, not caring too much and for Modern lifestyles that is [but with Ethiopians in all again not simply knowing just how best to create Identities in all, and as with regards to the Modern World actually][and as with furtherly stating that, Abyssinia in all, has always traditionally created Identity, and from speak of Consciousness too that is].

Having said the above in all again, is to also speak of Kenya, and from the very perspective of its Wealth Disparities, and as with those Wealthy in Kenya, and as helping even spearhead Industry in the place, very much Christian [and as with the example of Mr. Chris Kirubi for instance], and with those still struggling to find their place in Kenya and as with regards to speak of Identity too, very much not Christian in all actually [that African Identities in all, don't truly work in Kenya, and as Kenya in many a way, is actually pretty much Christian in its ways that is].

In all ways though, and to make a long story short, is to also state that, the Christian Identity in Kenya, is not of European or Italian origins in all, but as compared to speak of Abyssinia, one in all again pretty much African in its ways actually [but with it all even, speaking of the History of Moors in Europe and Italy too that is]. To understand all this better, is to speak of the Christian in Kenya, and as grounded even and in the so termed Hero Archetype, but with it all actually very much Christian too, and as with this even speaking of 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces', and with the Faces here, very much speaking of the Masks (of God) in all actually [and as with this even speaking of African Masks and as said of interest here too that is] [and as with all this furtherly even speaking of analyzing in all perhaps, Christian Literature, and from an African viewpoint, and as with basic speak even of African Expression that is].

In all though, to make all this clear, is to actually tell one that, 'The African Bible', and as published by 'Pauline Publishing' in all, is actually of Kenyan Christian origins, and not Italian or Abyssinian origins either [and as with it all written too, and from the very perspective of African Expression that is][and with the Brown-Red covered version, very much speak of Kenya in all actually, and with those with differing colours, actually 'written' in all, and for the rest of Africa too that is].

Finally in all again, is to in all again state or claim that, the Lute in all, is the favoured Musical Instrument and amongst Christians in Kenya too, and just as the Lute, does find a home in all, and in said Abyssinia too that is [and as with the Christian here in all again, not to be confused with Christianity, and as most followers of Christianity, don't possess Christian speech that is].

African Metaphysics

African Metaphysics.

What does constitute in all, and for African Metaphysics? To make a difficult subject more or less easy to understand, is to then say it does speak of that, which is Longstanding, or even that which is rather Impressionable that is.

Sunday 13 April 2014



To speak of Monotheism and Africa, is to admit to the fact that Africa has in all ways even been Polytheistic in all, and speak in all ways even and of Monotheism and as concrete African Religion, does in many a way even speak of 18th Dynasty Egypt too actually.

To put Monotheism though, and in a certain context in all and as understandable to most Africans too, is to in all ways even speak of Africans and as identifying with each other somewhat and in Humour (Continental Africa), or even Drama in itself too actually.

In all, Monotheism here in all again, and as presented from the very perspective of speak of Monographs in all [that Monographs in many a way, do speak of Monotheistic beliefs that is], and of African History too, and as with all this even simply speaking of Monographs and on 18th Dynasty Egypt too that is [or Armana truly even].

Saturday 12 April 2014

Vodou Shaman

Vodou Shaman.

The very world of the Congo Loa, and as with it all even not only speaking of just whom Africans are, and as Innocent folk, but in all ways truly even, just whom Africans are, and when truly helpless or powerless that is [and as with further speak even of the Materiality associated with it all that is].




African Revelations

African Revelations.

Those in Africa, and as with they too in all and who do think of Life and from the perspective of Evolution and Death too, do in all ways even associate it all, and with speak even of Conscience/Ori, and the Ancestral world too actually.

The above though, still remains rather potent in its ways, and if its acknowledged in all even that, speak of Ori/Conscience, and Possessive states too, is a wide and encompassing Field, and does for instance speak even of Hatsheput and Egypt, Roman Christianity and also the Haitian Revolution in itself too actually.

In many a way though, one could very well in many a way too state that, there does exist a different manner of viewing basic Evolution and Spirituality in Africa, and that does speak even of a true Awakening in all, and to Ourselves too, and as with regards to a Revelation and as concerning History in itself too perhaps [and for the Scholarly minded too that is], or even truly again, Awakening to Ourselves, and as with regards even and to our Innate Feelings on Humility/Conceitedness too that is.

In all, and as with attempting to make what does constitute for a personal discovery in many a way simple in its ways, is to perhaps in all again speak of the Koran [and as versus the Qu'ran too], and as with the Koran even very much Arab/Egyptian in its ways, in that, the Koran in all, is associated in all again, and with the following Symbol [Link], while the Qu'ran and the Middle East and speak even of Mohammedanism too, does go along and with speak of the following Symbol [Link], and with the Islamic world on the otherhand in all ways even, associated and with the Crescent and the Moon too that is [Link].

In all, the above Koranic Symbol posted, and as very much a Spiritual Evolutionary path and as described above, and one very much Egyptian too, and in all ways even does go along with any work in all too really, associated and with the Koranic Symbol posted above that is.

Friday 11 April 2014

The Maghreb

The Maghreb.

The term the Maghreb, often is associated in all, and with speak even of the Egyptians and the Nubians too. In past times in all again, it did actually refer and to the Egyptians and as said Brown skinned, and the Nubians Black skinned too, and with the Maghreb on the otherhand, just where in all again differing African Colours did meet that is. Another view does also speak of Egyptians and as Pharaonic, Nubia as Kushite/Kushitic, and finally in all again, the Maghreb as Arab actually.

The Maghreb though, can in many a way be said to simply speak of a Media in all, and which when pondered from the perspective of todays World in all again, does speak even of a Media in all, and that Africans too, progressive in their ways, can very well use, and to advance their causes in all, and in Africa in itself somewhat, but in many a way truly, outside Africa in all actually [and speak even of those Africans who might wish to do Business in all perhaps, and in the Middle East too for instance].

In all, the Maghreb and as it is today, and as very much speaking even of the Country of Western Sahara that is [The Maghreb].

Conquests and Cultures

Conquests and Cultures.

Most Africans in all, never do truly think of themselves, and from the perspective of Racial Identities in all. That in many a way, African Racial Identities have come in all [and in the name of Domination too], to be defined in all again, and by the so termed Western Powers [and as with Africans in all, now classified Racially, and as very much a Black people, and with lower Standards of Living too that is].

In all ways even, Racial Identities are important, and as with regards even, to our willingness, and in accepting Reality, and as it truly actually is [and as a result in all again, having the World open up to one that is][and in thought and belief too that is].

To understand all this better, is to in all say that, there are two ways of defining Race in all, and amongst Africans too. The first of these, does speak even of African Races, and as with Africans even truly pondering the evolution of their societies, Historical too, and from speak of Race even, and as with the Egyptian Races, said in all, the most advanced in all again, and of the African Races that is [and as with basic speak even, and of what does constitute for an African Theology, or even further speak of African/Egyptian Religious parallels in all that is] [and further speak even and of just how old the Pyramids in all are that is]. In all, African and Egyptian Races, and as with speak of those said truly African, speaking of their having similar Skeletons / Skeletal Systems that is, and to the Egyptian Races in all actually.

Most Africans though, don't truly know and for what does constitute for African Racial Identities, and as with they even not Western/Black/White, and as with furtherly stating that, African Racial Identities in the past, and as with Africans even said Humorous in their ways [or differing in Humour too that is], does in all even speak of the world of African Tropical Diseases, and further speak even of Parasites and Pathogens too [and as versus speak of Viruses, and which do go along and with speak of Intelligence too that is], but that Parasites and Pathogens and as attacking our Bodies, do in all ways even affect our Neurological systems, and which in all do at the very least strengthen our Immune Systems, but in many a way even coming to affect our Temperaments for instance [and as with speak even and of just how we do respond to Insults], but that in all ways too, our Neurological systems and as defining our willingness in all and in accepting Reality that is [and as with speak even of being Favoured for instance], traditionally in all again, defining African Racial Identities that is [and as versus speak even of Dignity, Character and Integrity too, and as used even to define Racial identities and Differences, and in the rest of the World that is] [In all again, the very world of many a stranger perhaps, and as simply finding Africans Enigmatic that is].

The Collage

The Collage.

African Civilizations in Context:

Those living in Africa, do in many a way truly wonder and for what does constitute for African Civilization, and outside speak of Egypt in many a way too that is. This in many a way does have to do in all, and with a false belief and of just how Civilizations are built that is. That for many, an erreneous Belief in all that, Civilizations in all, do actually arise and with speak even of Grand Visions that is [and further speak even of Centralized Governments in all that is].

Previously was posted in all, an entry, and as having to do with Mixed Media too. This entry though, does deal with Mixed Media and in the form of the Collage too actually. What it does entail to say in all is that, Civilizations in many a way, do arise and with simple concepts too, and which do in all evolve and over time too that is [and as with Egyptian Civilization too, and speak even of 'Narmer' too for instance, and the Step Pyramids, giving in many a way a false impression of all this actually].

To make this clearer is to basically say that, there are those who have associated the rise of Civilization, and with speak even of Spirituality and in the form of Sacred Animals (and especially those Melanated too), Serpents, Nature Gods (and as with speak even of the Olmec Heads), and even Herbal/Magical Foods in all actually.

All the above though, is said from the very perspective that, Africans in all, have truly attempted to build Civilization, and from speak even of Ancestor Worship & Veneration, and a world in all again associated with Communications, and as very much rising and to the so said Quantum Levels in all actually. 

However though, one has in many a way too, heard of theories on building Civilization, and as having been said to exist, and as seen in works and such as those by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, David Wilcock, J.R. Irvin, John Anthony West, or even Andrew Collins too. In all, how do these authors substantiate in all again, their beliefs, and as with regards to speak of Civilization? For the African perhaps is to in all even say that, it does speak of purveying or reading such works, and from the very perspective of the Collage actually [and all this too, and as with truly wondering what does constitute for Life's experiences, and as with regards to enjoying them too, and as with speak even of the Quantum and the Ancestral world in all, does speak in all too even, and of life and as said Sweet (and Sure) for instance (and further speak even of 'Moses' and by Barbara Kimenye too), while the Collage in all, does speak of experiencing life in new ways, and that are not common outside Africa too that is] [The Montage on the Otherhand].

Wednesday 9 April 2014

African Federations

African Federations.

To speak of African Federations, and as versus African Confederacies too [Link], does in all ways even speak of just how Africans in all do define their societies, and as with regards even to speak of Education that is [that Education in all, has today in many a way become paramount in all too even, and in helping in all again truly define Post-Colonial African societies that is].

In all ways even, the coming to define African Educational Systems, and as based around speak even of Self-Sufficiency [and as an Ideal too], does in many a way go against the grain in all so to speak, and as African Educational Systems in many a way, do appear to work best, and when they do deal with Self-Reliance that is [and as with speak even of those interested in Organizing society, and as based around speak of Education too, that it all in all again, does speak even of Apprenticeship in all, and not Workmanship truly either that is].

Mixed Media

Mixed Media.

Those in Africa, might truly wonder, if there is a 'Nutshell' approach, and as with regards to the thinking of the existence of Civilization, and from its very emergence,.and as with regards even to speak of Primitive Ritual too. That surprisingly enough, Egyptian Civilization, does arise even and with talk, and by two Individuals or more, and on what does constitute for Randomness in itself actually. What of the Greeks? Inspiration perhaps, and on truly understanding, just what the patterns in all again perhaps, associated with Sacred Geometry, did truly Embody, and as versus speaking of their Meaning that is. What of Italy? It was they in all, who did ground life and in speak of the Abstract (Art), and further speak even and of just about all Modern Realities seen today that is. What of Europe? An understanding in all, and of the Esoteric too [and as with further speak even of Superstition in itself actually].

What of Africa though? While the Random in many a way is known to best work [and as versus speak of the Abstract too], it is believed though, it is in truly knowing perhaps, the Haphazard, and that is in all again, at the very base even, and of African Primitive Ritual too, and as with all this even and as with regards to Media/Art, speaking of Mixed Media, and such as Mosaics or even Batik too [and further speak even of the very belief that, Africa is truly the home of the Material Sciences, and those in all too said Natural that is].

Thursday 3 April 2014

To Overcome Oneself

To Overcome Oneself.

A History of Portuguese Jesuit Doctrine and as seen in Africa too [and as with this even referring to Mozambique too], and in all ways even, it as serving in all, and as an Inspiration, and for the Self-Help Industry in all again, and in Africa too that is.

The Libido

The Libido.

Those in Africa and who in all ways even do ponder out what does truly constitute for African Psychology in all, do in all ways even tend to mostly in all speak of the Iponri (or the 'Higher Self' too actually). In many a way though, and as with speak even of Physical looks and Sensuality in itself too, one does find that it is also possible to approach Psychology in all, and from speak even of the Libido, and as with it all even speaking in many a way too, and of attempting to uncover in all, the very depths of just whom in all, we are, and as with regards even to Shock & Exclaim, or even Cachinnation (or Deep Laughter) and even Sentimentalism too that is [and as with the former more or or less truly prevalent in Abyssinia, and with the latter more or less prevalent in the rest of Africa too that is].

In all, a way of thinking of Life and that is more or less truly associated and with the Movies today, and in many a way too, speak even of the History of Latin America and even South America too in all, and as with it even heavily based around [and as with speak even of anything of significance and that did happen and in South America too perhaps], and around the Libido too that is.

The Libido:


Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Craft

The Craft.

In alignment and with the African Epistemology post [Link], and in the 'Dar' Blog too, further speak even perhaps and of Mexico too, and as developing even an Ethnography in all [and as with further speak even of Native and Indigenous Knowledge Bodies too], and as based around speak of 'The Craft' too actually.