Tuesday 15 April 2014



Christian Identity and Kenya:

This entry in all, will attempt in all again and to introduce one, and to the Politics of Secularism/Secular Identity, and as seen in Kenya today that is. That it in many a way and in a simple sense, does speak even and of just whom one in all for instance, does seek to Befriend that is [and further speak even of segregative attitudes and as to be seen in Kenya today too that is].

The term Hyperbole in many a way though, simply refers to things said in all, and which in many a way, can be said to be exaggerated in one way or another that is.

For many a person in the World today, issues or matters and as pertaining to Discrimination or Segregative attitudes are often associated and with speak of History, Racial Identity, Skin Colours or even Ethics/Ethical Identity too that is [and as with speak even of Stereotypes in themselves actually]. In all ways though, this is mentioned because, many a Powerful Figure in the World today, and as with speak even of the Forbes Billionaire List, often present themselves, and as with regards in all too even, and to speak of Christian Identities that is [and as with Christian Identity, going along and with speak of Christian speech, and similar to that in all again, possessed, and by the Queen of England too for instance].

Having said the above in all, is to in all ways even state that it does speak in all again and of just what this post is all about, and as with regards even to Christians in all, and as possessing segregative attitudes towards others, and as with regards to speak of 'speech' that is [and speak of their simply not wanting to Bond with others that is].

In many a way though, to speak of Christian Identity, is to speak of the differing branches of the Christian Faith in all, and as seen in many a part of the World too that is. That first off, the Christian Faith must not be confused and with speak of Christianity too, and as the latter in all does in all again concentrate alot on the Bible, and with the former speaking of the world of Christian Symbols, and also speak of differing Christian speech too that is [and as with practitioners of Christianity in all, not said to possess Christian speech that is].

In many a way, the Christian Faith and as known to exist in Europe (and under the name of Gnosticism), Italy [and as with the Christian Faith and as very much termed Christendom too, concetrated in all and in Italy too] [but with the Christian Faith in Italy, and as existing in the form of Goth/Gothic worship, and also Gnosis too], but with the Christian Faith too, said to find a home (and as with speak even of many an Idea here and there), and in Abyssinia too, but with the Christian Faith in all again, and under the term Gnostic, found in Quebec too, but with it all in all again in all actually, also found in Mexico and under the term Goth too, but with Japan too, also possessing a Christian Identity, and via the Netherlands and Italy in all, and one very much Gnostic too that is [and as with it even a 'Minority' Religion, and in a Buddhist Japan too that is].

Having said the above in all again, is to also note that, Gnosticism in all, actually does go and with speak even of Nature worship and also many a (Religious) Ritual that is [and with the Gnostic on the otherhand, simply concentrating and on (Religious) Ritual too that is]. To speak of Gnosis and Italy, is to also speak of the term 'Forza', and as with it all even representing the Christian Faith, and from speak highly of Institution [and as with the case even of the Pope that is]. To speak of the Goth, the Gothic [and as with the Gothic too, found in Europe and as concetrated in Scotland that is], or even Abyssinia [and as with Palestine in all, and speak even of the History of the Crusades in the Middle East possessing a Christian Identity, similar to that seen in Abyssinia], does in all ways even speak of the Christian Faith, and as centered around Scholarship in all too actually. 

In many a way, the above does call into question, and of just what in all, does go on in the Christian World so to speak. For in all again, Japan's Christian Identity, has been at the forefront and of helping Japan Modernize in all, while Europe today, does face even a crisis, and as with regards to its populations [many of them today an Immigrant too] [and as Immigrants in all again, have been streaming into Europe, and since the so termed 'Fall of Europe' in all and as with it speaking even of the French Revolution that is], and populations too, and that do not care too much in all, and in adhering to Europe's Christian Identity that is [and despite talk of Europe as Wealthy, and as with its Intelligentsia traditionally too, Christian in all that is]. In Abyssinia though, they more Intelligent than most might think, many an attitude and by the Government of Ethiopia, and as with regards to creating Modern Identities, and as with the Ethiopian Government in all, not caring too much and for Modern lifestyles that is [but with Ethiopians in all again not simply knowing just how best to create Identities in all, and as with regards to the Modern World actually][and as with furtherly stating that, Abyssinia in all, has always traditionally created Identity, and from speak of Consciousness too that is].

Having said the above in all again, is to also speak of Kenya, and from the very perspective of its Wealth Disparities, and as with those Wealthy in Kenya, and as helping even spearhead Industry in the place, very much Christian [and as with the example of Mr. Chris Kirubi for instance], and with those still struggling to find their place in Kenya and as with regards to speak of Identity too, very much not Christian in all actually [that African Identities in all, don't truly work in Kenya, and as Kenya in many a way, is actually pretty much Christian in its ways that is].

In all ways though, and to make a long story short, is to also state that, the Christian Identity in Kenya, is not of European or Italian origins in all, but as compared to speak of Abyssinia, one in all again pretty much African in its ways actually [but with it all even, speaking of the History of Moors in Europe and Italy too that is]. To understand all this better, is to speak of the Christian in Kenya, and as grounded even and in the so termed Hero Archetype, but with it all actually very much Christian too, and as with this even speaking of 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces', and with the Faces here, very much speaking of the Masks (of God) in all actually [and as with this even speaking of African Masks and as said of interest here too that is] [and as with all this furtherly even speaking of analyzing in all perhaps, Christian Literature, and from an African viewpoint, and as with basic speak even of African Expression that is].

In all though, to make all this clear, is to actually tell one that, 'The African Bible', and as published by 'Pauline Publishing' in all, is actually of Kenyan Christian origins, and not Italian or Abyssinian origins either [and as with it all written too, and from the very perspective of African Expression that is][and with the Brown-Red covered version, very much speak of Kenya in all actually, and with those with differing colours, actually 'written' in all, and for the rest of Africa too that is].

Finally in all again, is to in all again state or claim that, the Lute in all, is the favoured Musical Instrument and amongst Christians in Kenya too, and just as the Lute, does find a home in all, and in said Abyssinia too that is [and as with the Christian here in all again, not to be confused with Christianity, and as most followers of Christianity, don't possess Christian speech that is].