Thursday 24 April 2014

Western Esotericism

Western Esotericism.

To speak of Western Esotericism, is to in all ways even, speak of New Age Religion. Why in all though, would New Age Religion be beneficial to Africans? In all, it does even speak of just how in all, Africans have perceived their World in all again, and from the very times of Slavery in itself, and onwards and unto speak of Colonialism too, and not from further speak even of Institutions that is, but in all ways even and in speak of Consciousness in itself too actually. That in all again, Africa in all has been falsely presented and by the Media in all, Modern/Western too, and as very much a Savage place in all even, and from the very times of Slavery too, but that in all ways even and as with regards to most Africans today [and speak even of African Institutions], Africa in many a way has truly made strides, and as with regards to Consciousness in itself too actually.

In all though, and as with regards to New Age Religion, what does constitute and for New Age Consciousness and Africa? It in all does speak even and of being Exposed or Meeting in all, ones (Equal) Self/self in all gain, and as with regards even and to speak of Symbols or even Artefacts in themselves too that is [and controversially said even, wherever they might be found] [and as with speak truly even and of what does constitute for an African Consciousness today that is].

In all, all this and as speaking even and of those who do seek to reside outside the African Continent, that they in all should mitigate in all again, the creating of Identity and as based around Institution, and more in favour and for the creating of Identity, and as based around speak of Consciousness in itself actually.

'the Arab'/Morisco: