Wednesday 9 April 2014

African Federations

African Federations.

To speak of African Federations, and as versus African Confederacies too [Link], does in all ways even speak of just how Africans in all do define their societies, and as with regards even to speak of Education that is [that Education in all, has today in many a way become paramount in all too even, and in helping in all again truly define Post-Colonial African societies that is].

In all ways even, the coming to define African Educational Systems, and as based around speak even of Self-Sufficiency [and as an Ideal too], does in many a way go against the grain in all so to speak, and as African Educational Systems in many a way, do appear to work best, and when they do deal with Self-Reliance that is [and as with speak even of those interested in Organizing society, and as based around speak of Education too, that it all in all again, does speak even of Apprenticeship in all, and not Workmanship truly either that is].