Thursday 17 April 2014



The term Teleology in all, does speak even, and of the Inherent nature and of many a thing too. In all again, it does dictate that we are in all again perhaps, connected to Nature in such a manner that, we do in all face similar Fates, and to many a thing we might Identify with, and in Nature too that is [and as with this speaking even and of the term Intrinsic too that is].

To put Teleology and in a certain understandable perspective for most Africans, is to in all even speak of what does constitute for African Identity, and as with speak even of a Worldly Consciousness too that is. That there does exist outside Africa, many a group of people not truly African in all, but in all ways even of similar Phenotypes that is, and whose relation in all, and with Africans must be in many a way well understood perhaps, and as with regards even to speak of Africa and from the perspective of Potential, or even the Sacred too that is.

To understand all this better, is to know that, Africans in all, can in many a way simply speak of each other and as with furtherly including African looking peoples to be seen all over the World, and as based around speak of Contrast (and further speak even of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority), Comparisons (and further speak even of Similarities-Differences), and even speak of Collate too perhaps (or even speak of Semblance/Resemblance too that is).

In speaking of the above in all too really, is to then perhaps say that, Africans and as perceiving themselves and as based around Contrast in all, does speak even and of Africa as a Continent, and contrast too, and as speaking even of African Ethnographic Identities that is. To speak of Africa and from the very perspective of Comparison, is to not only speak of the African Continent again, but that in all ways even speak of just whom Africans in all are and as with regards to speak of the so termed Black Diaspora too [and even Black Identity in all] [and as with this even speaking of South Africans in all again, and as creating Identity, and that does speak of a Black-White dichotomy too that is]. Finally in all again, to speak of Africans and as with regards to Collation and which does in all ways even speak of the Continent of Africa, and in many a way too, those said in all and to consist of the African Diaspora that is. In all, the Continent of Africa, and as very much also speaking of the world of the Pharaohs of Egypt too that is.

Collation and Africa: