Wednesday 9 April 2014

Mixed Media

Mixed Media.

Those in Africa, might truly wonder, if there is a 'Nutshell' approach, and as with regards to the thinking of the existence of Civilization, and from its very emergence,.and as with regards even to speak of Primitive Ritual too. That surprisingly enough, Egyptian Civilization, does arise even and with talk, and by two Individuals or more, and on what does constitute for Randomness in itself actually. What of the Greeks? Inspiration perhaps, and on truly understanding, just what the patterns in all again perhaps, associated with Sacred Geometry, did truly Embody, and as versus speaking of their Meaning that is. What of Italy? It was they in all, who did ground life and in speak of the Abstract (Art), and further speak even and of just about all Modern Realities seen today that is. What of Europe? An understanding in all, and of the Esoteric too [and as with further speak even of Superstition in itself actually].

What of Africa though? While the Random in many a way is known to best work [and as versus speak of the Abstract too], it is believed though, it is in truly knowing perhaps, the Haphazard, and that is in all again, at the very base even, and of African Primitive Ritual too, and as with all this even and as with regards to Media/Art, speaking of Mixed Media, and such as Mosaics or even Batik too [and further speak even of the very belief that, Africa is truly the home of the Material Sciences, and those in all too said Natural that is].