Saturday 19 April 2014

Sir Clive Sinclair

Sir Clive Sinclair.

Computing Research Strategies and Africa:

Most in all, do know that Africa in many a way, is perceived even backward and in Thought too [despite even speak of Koffi Annan for instance, and as the UN Secretary-General], and as with further regards even and to speak of Modern societies in all, and due in all again to a Consciousness in all too, Worldly too that is, and that does speak even of Intelligence or Intellect too, and as now associated even, and with speak of Computer Technologies that is.

That Africa in all again, and as with regards even to speak of Global Consciousness, is not viewed truly backwards and as with speak even of the Car, and due in all perhaps, and to many a person associating Global Consciousness and with Aesthetics too, and as with African Aesthetics even [and speak even of the African Visual Arts too for instance], deemed of more interest in all, and as compared to Asian Aesthetics in all for instance [that African Aesthetics, still do make for a high-end market in all, and as compared to Asian Aesthetics, and which are more or less mainstream in their ways that is][all this too, and as with speak even of African styled Entertainment, and as including Sports Stars, and as more popular in all historically, and as compared to speak of Asian Aesthetics in all for instance].

To speak of Africa and the International Consciousness, does speak even of Africa, and as presented and from Country based perspectives too that is.

However though, it is believed that it is best for Africans at the present, to truly attempt to Develop in all too even, and from a Worldly Consciousness perspective that is. That while Gender divisions in Africa, do view Women in Africa and as thinking of Africa and from a Global Consciousness perspective, Men in Africa on the otherhand though, do tend to think of Africa and from an International Consciousness perspective too that is.

In all though, and as with regards to Worldly Consciousness, Africa and as said Backward in Thought, does in all even speak of the promise in all and of Computing Research and Technologies, and as with they not only going along and with speak of Robotics too for instance, but that in all ways even, when Africans do think of Computing Research, it might help in all again to steer away and from speak even of America and Europe in all, and perhaps in all again, speak even of Sir Clive Sinclair (and as with he even Scottish and not English truly either), and as with he in many a way again, the progenitor, and of the Basic Programming Language [and as with it now even said to speak of Visual Basic too], and as with all this too, referring to the very world of the Microsoft .Net Framework, and as with it even believed best handled in all, and as with regards to speak of Visual Basic too that is [and all this too, and as referring even and to just what does constitute and for a Worldly Consciousness in all that is].