Monday 21 April 2014



To speak of the Numbers 0,1 and 2, is to in all ways even speak of not only Perfectionism and as defined and as based around speak of Wholeness, Totality, Uniformity etc., but in many a way though, a better manner and of thinking of all this, and pretty much African in its ways too, does speak even and of the above Numbers and as representing Entities and Non-Entities too. That speak of 1 and as based around Perfectionism too does speak even of being Unique in all [and in a Singular manner too], while speak of 2 on the otherhand, and as with regards to speak of Perfectionism, does in all ways even speak of terms such as Double, Twins, Halves etc., while many another Number in all, does speak even of Compatriots, Comrades, Pals, Buddies etc. [and as with regards to Perfectionism that is].

In all though, speak of the above Numbers and from the very perspective of Entities and Non-Entities, might in many a way even speak and of just how we do perceive Power, Might & Authority and on an everyday or daily basis too, but that in all ways even is to tell one that, it is the Number 0, and that is truly African in its ways actually, while 1 and 2 have often been popular outside Africa in all [but with they still found in Africa that is], and with 0 in many a way, and as with regards to Entities and Non-Entities, speaking in all ways even perhaps, and of the name 'Anonymous' for instance [and as seen in History too that is].