Sunday 30 March 2014

Economic Theory

Economic Theory.

To speak of Economic Theory, and as pondered or presented from an African perspective, is to not only speak of Resources (Allocation and Availability) [and further speak even of Human Resources too], but that in all ways even, speak of Preferential talk and on Loci & Foci, Concentricity, and even Intermittency too that is. All this, and as with Economic Theory, viewed as the most basic way of living in Africa, and as with regards perhaps even, and to its Politics too that is.

Saturday 29 March 2014



Juju, and as with it even said to encompass in all Vodou, Hoodoo and even Conjure, but with it all in all again, actually speaking, and of Africans, and from the very perspective of the Behavioural too, and as with the Behavioural even, speaking of just whom or who Africans in all, are, and as with regards to Evolution in itself too actually [Link].

Friday 28 March 2014

Cheap Entertainment

Cheap Entertainment.

In regards to the post on Paleontology and as posted on the 'Dar' Blog [Link] too, is to in all ways even speak of Cheap Entertainment Media, and Paleontology in itself too, and as well suited for Africa that is.

Monday 24 March 2014



Spaniola, and as with it even speaking of the so termed Spanish Excursion and into Central America too, but with it in all again also speaking of the presence of African looking peoples in Spain too, and as with Spanish History too, basically viewed from speak even of Spaniola, and also speak of Spanish History and as going along very well and with speak of Flamenco Music/Dance and Flamenco inspired Art too, and as with Flamenco even drawing parallels to Gypsy Music/Dance, and as with the peoples of Spain even, said to have had origins and in 'Middle Egypt' too that is.



Survival Mechanisms and Africa:

Most in Africa, have never truly thought in all, and about Fundamentalism too. To them, it does appear Ideology in all and as stemming from the Middle East, and as with regards even to speak of Conquest or even the Preservation of their way of life too. While the former in many a way does take the form of Media only and in most ways too, the latter is actually real, and does speak in all even and of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is [and minus speak of Saudi Arabia in itself too actually]. Fundamentalism though, is in many a way in all, and to be seen in the United States of America too, and as with it even referring and to Evangelical Thought in itself actually.

Why Fundamentalism though? For Africa, it does differ from many another part of the World but not truly so, and as Fundamentalism in all, does attempt to truly attempt to discover in all, what is truly Certain in all agan, and at just about any moment too. At the very least in all again, it does speak even and of the peoples of Saudi Arabia and as Intelligent people in all (and as versus the rest of the Middle East too and who do associate Intellectualism in all, and with Fundamentalist Thought and that does speak of Conquest too),but that Knowledge/Wisdom in all and as gained from Fundamentalism, can be applied even, and to speak of Technology in itself too for instance. 

What though does constitute for Fundamentalism and in Africa? At the very least, it does speak of just whom Africans in all, are, and as with regards to Expression in itself actually. That African Fundamentalism, does speak even of the truly proper in all, Expression, and at any given moment, time or place too that is [and as with this even speaking of being Tainted in all actually].

To perhaps make all this clearer, is to perhaps in all again, speak of the very origins of Africa and outside Egypt too in all. That most in all again for instance, don't truly know just how most Africans did arrive in all, and on the Western Coast of Africa for instance, or even truly again, into Africa in itself, and as with regards even to speak of Infrastructure that is [and as with Africans even known to possess Traditional Bodies of Knowledge, that are at the very least compared to Egyptian Knowledge Bodies too, and in the name of Ethnography and Validity too that is], but that in all ways even, it is said too in all, that the origins of life in Africa, are tied in many a way even, and to Meso-American Civilization, and as some even do believe that, the Africans in all and who did arrive on the Western Coast of Africa, did do so, and on Meso-American Ships that is [in many a way too, another angle of looking at European History, and as with Stonehenge even, said to speak of Meso-American Presences in Europe that is].

Having said the above in many a way, is to also speak of Fundamentalism in Africa, and as with it even referring, and to speak of Totality too [or even speak of total Free Expression in itself, and as with it even believed paramount in all, and as with speak of Intelligence too and as approached from speak of Communications and Explanation in itself that is], but that in all ways even and as with this even speaking of Ancestor Worship, and it all too drawing some parallels and to Egyptian History, the very belief that, the very first of Africans, and as with regards to Survival in itself, where very well adapt in all, and in Fundamental Expression, and just as the first of Egyptians, and as with this even speaking of 'Pharaoh Narmer' and also Old and New Kingdom Egypt too [and the Great Sphinx too in all], were well versed in all again and in Expression, Fundamental too, and as with regards even to speak and of the rise in all perhaps, and of Egyptian Civilization that is.

In all ways even, Fundamental Expression, and as not necessarily speaking of the Behavioural in all, but in all ways even and of Organization in itself too, and as with regards even to speak of Harmony or Unity in itself actually. In all again, the very first of Africans, and as with this referring even and to Ancestor Worship in all, and as having perhaps interesting manners or ways of Expression, Fundamental too, and as with regards to Survival in itself, and that the History of Africa, and as perceived even via speak of Christianity, does in some ways even fail to take into account just whom Africans are and as with regards to Fundamental Expression, and as with all this even speaking of Slavery or Colonialism, and as with associating the latter, and with a Fall in Fundamental Expression too that is. In all ways even, the History of Meroe, and Nubian Christianity too, and speaking even of the Nubians of Meroe, and as dealing even with issues or matters, and as pertaining to Fundamental Expression in Nubia too is [and as with Nubia even, now said very much truly a Bankrupt society so to speak].

Fundamental Expression, Christian too, and as very well fitting into Kenya that is [Link].

Sunday 23 March 2014



Most in Africa, tend to spend alot of time in all, still in many a way, debating or discussing, the very matter or issue in all, and of what does constitute and for (Political) Power, and in African societies too that is. Even more disturbing though, is the inability for most and in Africa too, to raise the topic in all, and of what does constitute for Influence, and in African societies that is [and as a Politically motivated tool actually]. In many a way, the very topic of Influence in all, and how it does affect our lives and at the Political level too, is in all ways even truly the very reason why Africa today, does not in all operate, work or function too, and as it very well should be [and as with the belief even that, Life is actually Easy, and if perhaps in all again, this saying in all, is taken from speak of Influence that is].

In all ways even, this is what does constitute and for the History of Christianity in Africa (Link) [and minus that said Missionary too], and as it is Christianity in Africa, and that has very much attempted in all, to deal with many a problem and as arising with Influence [and not the abuse of (Political) Power either that is].

In all ways even, a huge problem in all it is believed, and as dealing with problems and as associated with Influence, does in all ways even remain a disturbing scenario or situation too, and in Africa today that is.

La Vida Loca

La Vida Loca.

Many today, do often associate in all, and with living out life, and with speak of Media in itself, International, Global or Wordly too, and as versus speak even of Local lifestyles too for instance.

To understand just whom Africans in all are and as the above does say, is to in all again even, speak of terms and such as Maisha, Maish', Vida or even Vita too [Italian]. 

That Africans in all, are still in many a way to truly define the above terms in all, and as with regards to their lives too, but with this in all again, not actually their fault in all, and as Africa too, is a rather complicated Continent, and as with regards to speak of Philosophy in itself that is.

While the Egyptians did fully live lives, Local too, and as based around their defining Maisha in all, Maish', on the otherhand was very much Greek, and with alot of Media today though, actually more or less Spanish, and as with it even speaking of Vida, while in all again, it was the Italians, and that did attempt to unite Maisha, Maish' (Link), and even Vida in all, and all in the name of Vita too actually [and with the Greeks too, having brought Maish', and into Egypt that is].

Kenya in many a way though, is a separate place and from the rest of Africa and minus Egypt too, and as in many a way even, Maisha, is actually seen in Kenya that is [and not South Africa either].

For Africa though, a way of living out life, that is complicated in all, as all the above ways of experiencing life in all, are actually to be found in Africa in one way or another, but that in all ways even, all this has never truly been deciphered in all and as with speak of Philosophy too, but that in all ways even, what does pass for 'Maisha' in all that is, is actually a rather complicated existence in all perhaps, and one yet in all again, to be truly discerned that is [and for those in all again, who do think South Africa, to be an interesting place in all].

Furtherly though, and as with speak even of Maisha (Link) and as seen once in Victorian/Colonial Kenya too, perhaps in all again, Koffi Olomide and in the song Malembe, and as having exposed in all again, something about African life, and as with it said even to possess deep Earthly tones that is [Link] [and all this too minus speak of Salif Keita and the song Africa too (Link),  and West Africa in many a way too that is].

Friday 21 March 2014



Many in Africa, don't always truly think of what does truly make them stand apart, and in Identity too, and from the rest of the World actually. To approach this from a Traditionalist mentality (and as with this even speaking of many a Documentary out there perhaps), there are those who do seek to present themselves, and from speak even of a Religious or ancient Text, and as with the example of the Qu'ran and the Middle East, the Koran and the Swahili too (and as with the Koran even, mistakenly said Muslim that is) [and with Muslims on the otherhand, truly associated and with what some do term Sunnah/'Hadith' that is], or even speak of Italy too perhaps, and the Bible in all, or furtherly in all again, Jews and speak even of the Torah or the Tanakh too that is.

There are those though, and who do tend to make up for the Western World in all, and who do often tend to portray or present themselves, and from speak even of Packaging too [and as with further speak even of many a Magazine out there too that is]. This in many a way even does speak of the problematic and known world of Copyright Theft, and as with telling many a person in Africa, and who did believe Kenyan Colonialists to have been a 'savage' people, that the following Packaging in all (Link), and that does go along with speak of Modern Library Publishing, controversially said even, does have its origins in Pre-Independence Kenyan society, and as with it even matching Kenyan Nature in many a way that is [and all this too and as compared to Penguin Classics in all, and whose Packaging is truly England that is].

There is a third way of presenting oneself and as distinct from others too, and as with it speaking even and of Materials that is. That the World today, does even attempt to create Identities in all, and as based around Materials too (and the very rise even of the Materials Sciences), and as with it all even African too, and as with speak of Nubians in all again, and who did attempt to create unique Identities in all, and as based around Gold, or even speak of Ashanti/Akan culture and Kente Materiality that is.

While the Agbada on the otherhand is said truly Nigerian even, it is unknown to most that, Corduroy, was actually first worn in many a way, and in Kenya too (Pre-Independence), and as with telling one that, even if this was not true, it does appear to simply define just whom Kenyans in all again, truly are, and on the average that is [and all this and as versus speak of Plaid too, and which in all again is Maasai Materiality that is].


Wednesday 19 March 2014



Many Africans and who do tend to study in all perhaps, so termed African presences in South America, and as with they even classified African and Black, tend to believe that it is Brazil, that is in most ways African in all actually. In many a way though, it is Guyana in all again, and that can be as classified as Black in all, while Brazil is in most ways even is simply Lusophone in its ways actually, and with Colombia on the otherhand, in many a way African in all truly even [and as with Colombians even, possessing voices somewhat African in their ways actually][and as with the terms Colombiano and Colombiana even, truly more or less African in their ways too].



To speak of Constancy in all, is to perhaps in all again speak of what some do term a Constant Reality. In many a way though, this does not only refer and to Pervasiveness in itself, but in many a way truly even, speak of Group Memory, and as defined and as based around speak of the Rhythms of life in all. That Africa today, and as with speak even of the Constant in all, and further speak even of general perceptions of society and as based around everyday expectations in all, has come to define itself in all again, and as with further speak even of the Rhythms of life, and as based around Modern News Media in all actually.

In all ways though, there is a lot to be said of Modern African News Media, and as with it presenting Africa in all, and from speak even of the Rhythms of life (or further speak even of the constant, inconstant, unconstant, and more speak too and of consistencies and inconsistencies in themselves that is), very much actually (Modern) Asian in its ways in all [that in all, Africa is very much Constant in its ways, and as with speak even of nothing much truly happening].

A problem in many a way, psychological too, that can be said to be difficult to resolve, and as with reminding one that, African life in the past, and as with speak even of the Rhythms of life, was not only defined and by the world of African Dance (and as including African Martial Dance too), but as with this even not only speaking of Constancy in itself, but that in many another part of the World, Rhythms of life in all, were in many a way defined and by speak even of Celebrations and Festivities in all actually [that in most parts of the World, Dance in all, did not actually come to define them in all again, and as based around speak of Rhythms of life that is].

In all ways even perhaps, African Festivities, and as helping bring about Change to Africa and as some often do tend to speak, and as in saying that 'Bringing Change to Africa', does in all actually speak of the Rhythms of life, and as based around speak of Constancy in itself too that is.

African Constancy, and as seen in Brazil too:

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York.

Myths of Origin and African Social life:

One in many a way, must be of the admittance that, Social life in Africa today, has come to be truly even based around many a Discriminatory factor, and as with this speaking even of judging others by skin colour, head size, race, and even tribal Identity too in all. This is not especially wrong, and if judged from a Religious perspective, but that in all again, African life today, and as grounded in all, and in Social Identity too, does suffer from many a problem pertaining to the Diatribe in all, and as with this preventing in many a way even, the very rise of Local Businesses for instance.

To help Africans in all deal and with many an issue and as pertaining to Social Identity today, and discriminatory attitudes too, is to in all perhaps speak of Myths of origin, and as with they not truly grounded in Religion in all, but simple Myths in all again, and to live by, and as with speak even of the only thing one does truly know in all perhaps, and which can act, and as a guide in all, and in just how to live life basically that is [and as with speak even of a living a life basic or simple in its ways, and as with one too, not too judgmental of oneself or others, and as with speak even of those deemed successes too that is].

To speak of so said Myths of origins in all, and as with they even coming to readily influence Social life in all again, is to perhaps give examples in all, and from Italy too, and which can probably help many an African think in all, and favourably too, and of Social Identity in Africa today that is. 

The first of these, does in all associate the birth of Italy, and with Monastic lifestyles in all, and as truly grounded in Prayer too, and which in many a way, were responsible for the birth of Traditional Industries In Italy in all actually [and as with they today even, associated and with Italian Shoes or even Italian Wines for instance]. In all again, Social Identity and as arising even and with not only Prayer in all, but also Industry too. Another Myth of origin in Italy, does speak in all and of the origin of Italy in all perhaps, and as with this referring even, and to Italian life and as said grounded in all and in Italian Festivities that is, and Festivities too rather memorable in their ways and as with further speak of Cherishing ones memories of life in all, and as with a modern example even, speaking of that cherished song in all, and from Italia 90' too [Link]. In all again, Italy and as born around Scholarly works in all even [and speak even of an Italian Education and further speak of Local Identities too that is]. A third way of viewing Italy, and as with this referring even, and to speak of the rise of Italy perhaps, does speak of Italian life and as grounded in a whole new Religion (and as with it said even Ascetic in all actually) [and basic speak even of the 7 Virtues & Vices for instance], and as with this even speaking of the History of the Roman Celts in Italy (and the birth of Christendom too), and as with further speak of Italian History, it becoming grounded in all, and in speak of the Templars for instance [and as a Cultural or Social people in all that is]. Another way of viewing Italy and as based around speak of Myths of origin, does in all ways even speak of creating a strong Identity perhaps, and as based around terms such as Chivalry, Machismo, Valour or even Gallantry too, and as with this speaking even of Religion and in the form of the Code of Honour for instance, and it in many a way even speaking of just who in all again perhaps, Cupid, and as an Italian God in all, was in many a way too Italy, and as with he even espousing the above mentioned ways of defining life in all again, and many others too, and as basically even summarized and speak even of Amore that is [Geniality].

In all, and as speaking of life and as mentioned above, is to also speak of Africans perhaps, and as self-hating in some ways, and due to International or Global Media even, and which does associate Africans in all, and with backward Social Identities that is. Having said this, is to also speak of a another manner of creating Myths of origin, American too, and as based around City life and Social Identity too, and which does in many a way even, speak of Trickster minded criminals in all perhaps, and further speak even and of the rise and of the Modern Identity of New York City today that is: Gangs of New York [Link].

Rome: The History of a City

Rome: The History of a City

Many in Africa today, don't think too much, and of their cities in all [and as with they said not Cities truly, and due to the fact perhaps, nothing much of interest does happen in them that is]. To speak of Modern Cities, is to perhaps associate them with a Political Leadership, Architectural Designers/Firms, and even truly again speak of Technology and the Technological too, and as said helping enhance even, Social life in many a City today, and not Cultural life truly either.

The City of Rome on the otherhand, and in Italy too, might be of interest to some in Africa, and as in saying that, Italian Cities did differ from European Cities in all, and as Italian Cities were grounded in all again, and in speak of Italian Expression, while European Cities, did in all speak of European Cultural life that is. In all, speak even of Africa too, and as with African Cities in all, said based around African Expression, and not African Cultural life truly either [and as with speak even of African Identity in all that is].

To put the City of Rome, or its History too, and in a perspective that Africans might understand, is to say that in Expression, it came to be defined and by the Caesars [and as with reminding one that, Rome, was not only an Italian City, but in all ways even, also a Roman City, and as with it at the very heart even, and of the Roman Empire/Civilization that is]. Second off, is to also speak of Rome, and as a City of Moors too, Italian, and who did in many a way come to define Cultural life in all (and as with it based around Expression too), and in Rome that is [Link]. Thirdly, and as with speak even of Rome and as a City Africans might identify with, is to speak of life in Rome in all, and as defined in all again, and by Militant cultures in all, and Militancy in itself too that is [that in all again, Romeo & Juliet, is actually truly in all an Italian Tale, and not truly European either] [Link] [and as with the music in the previous link in all, actually Italian, and not European/French either], and as with perhaps even speaking of Rome and Italy, and Moors too, and in a manner that Africans might identify with, speaking in all and of Sharpshooting Wrestling for instance, having been practised in Rome in all, and as with Africans too knowledgeable in all and in Wrestling too, but with telling many an African that, Sharpshooting Wrestling is superior to African Wrestling in many a way, due to its taking into account Weapons practise that is].

In all ways even, the above speaking of Dynamism, and in City life too, and as with most Cities today, facing a lack of Dynamism in all, and as with regards to Culture or even Economic life too, but with also telling one that, Rome in all, did house the Vatican in all actually, and as with simply attempting to tell most in Africa that, Italians, and many who did live in the past, can be disassociated and from Humanity today, and as with regards to speak of the Psyche and Psychology too, and as with Italians too, in many a way in all responsible and for simply Designing their own lives, and which were in many a way moderated by the Church in Italy too, and as with Italians again, basically Seducers and as with regards to living out life in all, but that in all again, speak of Italy and from an Evolutionary perspective, does speak in all ways even and of Italians and as attempting to become Singular in all, and as with this speaking even of being truly Unique in ones ways that is [and not only in thought in itself actually, but also the very questioning of God and life/existence in itself perhaps, and as with regards to what was truly possible that is].

Saturday 15 March 2014

The Current

The Current.

The Current, Concurrency and Modern Africa:

To speak of the Current in all, is to speak in all again, and of a Political Event in all, and that did come to shape in all again, what most do believe to be of Importance or Significance even, and as with regards to speak of Stability and Instability too. That in all again, when one does speak of the Current, one in all is referring to an Event in all again, and which does mirror, a certain said Political Event (and as with this even referring to speak of Independence and Africa), and which in all is believed to be of Importance or Significance too, and as with regards to Stability and Instability that is.

In many a way, Independence and Africa here, said in all, to have come in all again, and in truly even defining Modern African Political Institutions, and speak even of Political Power in itself too, but that in all ways even, and as with speak of those who do feel Powerless in Africa, Independence in all, is not deemed in all again, the best Political Event in all, and in helping define the Current (and speak even of Concurrency and Modern Africa too), but that in all ways even, and as with speak even of finding inspiration in ones life and as based around Current events too, in all again that, it is in all, the Southern Africa Border Wars, and even the Great Lakes / Congo Wars, that are a good measure in all and of what does constitute for the Current in Modern Africa today, and as with the latter Political Event in all, the Great Lakes War, actually more or less speaking of the Current and as seen in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia),while the former does speak of the Current in all, and as with speak even of what is deemed of Importance and Significance, and as with regards to speak of Stability and Instability too, and in the rest of Africa too that is.

Wednesday 12 March 2014



Many in Africa, might in many a way, not truly thought in all, and of what does constitute and for Proximity in all actually. In many a way, Proximity in all, and as speaking even and of what some do term Challenge, and as with regards even to Space and Time in itself too. That in all again, Africans when asked to better their lives, do think of a Higher Reality, when in truth in all, they should actually be thinking of a Bigger Picture/Reality (and as with speak even of Spinoza), or even further speak of a Grander Reality too (and as seen in Abyssinia too that is).

Tuesday 11 March 2014



A Concise History of the Middle East, and as versus speak even of Al-Jahiz [and the Swahili lands too that is].



Improvisation, and as with it even speaking of African life, and as lived at its highest levels that is.

Monday 10 March 2014



Bonds/Identity and Africa:

Those living in Africa today, must admit that, outside Influences into Africa, have brought with them many an issue in all, or matter too, and as pertaining to discrimination, and as with it even racial in all [or speak even of stereotyping or bigotry too]. In many a way, this does refer to just how we do create Bonds in society in all, and as with this even speaking of Group Identity, and as with the simple case even of stating that those who do create Religiously inclined Bonds, and as with speak even of members of a Church, do in many a way in all interact differently or favourably too, and as compared to those who do create Bonds and as based around Western Media too for instance.

In many a way too, Western Media and as promoting the creation of Bonds, and as based around Diversions in all again, in that, Bonds in the Western World, do speak for instance of releasing/relieving Stress in all, and as with speak even of finding Acceptance amongst others, and as with all this even speaking furtherly of Entertainment Media, Modern Retail Industries, or even speak of Upscale lifestyles too in all that is. In all ways even, speak of creating Bonds as such, and as based around relieving oneself of Stress, leading to a difficult view of life, and as with regards even to defining Purpose in our lives that is. 

Shrines in many a way, have traditionally even, offered interesting ways, and of creating Bonds, and amongst many a differing group of peoples that is. That Shrines in their most basic sense, and as found in Asia too, did speak even of Attraction in all, and as with they attracting many a visitor to them in all again, and as with speak of a city too, and in many a way too, the forming of Bonds, and as based around Routine in all actually [or the regular visiting of these Shrines that is].

There is another way though, and of viewing Shrines, and that does speak even of Attention in all. That Shrines, can help us truly determine what is truly important in our lives, and as with speak of Purpose too, and by defining themselves around speak of Misgivings in all (or speak even of many a warning too), and as with they asking us even, to pay Attention in all, and to certain areas of our lives, and as with perhaps attempting to summarize something not too easy to explain perhaps, and as in comparing the TV/Television to a Shrine, and as with it even now showing many a show in all, and that does have us paying Attention in all again, and to certain areas of our lives, and as with these TV shows said even, rather educative in all that is.

African Slavery

African Slavery.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the fall/decline of African Institutions:

Most Africans in many a way, have never truly ridden themselves, and of the history of slavery in all, and into the Americas too [and as with pointing out in many a way that, Africans in all tend to associate African slavery, and with talk even of African Cultural or Religious Inferiority in all that is] [that African slavery in all again, is not approached from speak of African Racial Inferiority in particular, but in many a way truly, speak of the said Inferiority, and of African Cultural and Religious Institutions that is] [that Africans, are not helpless as many are made to believe, but that they are in all again, yet to figure out truly, errors and mistakes made, and in envisioning their Institutions in all that is] [that finally in all again, African Thought, is not often associated, and with heretic beliefs in many a way really].

In many a way too, a recent rise in all, and as in speak of past generations, and in speak of African slavery in itself, has called into question, just how in all Africans, do perceive themselves, and as with regards to speak of African slavery that is. That for some Africans, an easy response to all this, an acceptance of African slavery into the America's, and by acknowledging in all again, that slavery in itself, did also actually exist, and in many a traditional African society too that is.

For those Africans though, and who do tend to create Identity, and as based around speak of Materialism and Technology too, and as with it all even perceived and as a basis for the creation of Culture and Religion in itself, a huge problem in all, and as with regards to the creation of Self-Esteem in all again, and as with speak even of not being Intelligent in all, but in many a way truly, speak in all again even, and of what does truly make for, African Institutions in all that is [that Africans, and as associated in all too even and with the right Technological base, will not truly progress or advance in all again, and unless African Institutions, do in all mirror, European or American Institutions that is] [that Africans in all again, do believe themselves capable of being Inventors in all, but in all again a true failure to realize in all, just how best to Institutionalize themselves that is].

Having said the above, the history of African slavery in the Americas, is often now approached and from speak of the progress of African slaves in the Americas too that is. In many a way, a belief even that, Africans, can somewhat perceive themselves Institutionally, and in a similar manner to the descendants of African slaves in the Americas [and as with speak even of Black Universities and in America too for instance].

The history of African slavery though, is often not well told, and as in stating that African slavery in the Americas, and as perceived even from an Institutional perspective, is said to speak of a similar experience in all that is [and across the Americas that is]. In all ways though, African slavery and as basically said American, European and also Iberian [or the meeting of Portugal and Spain in many a way too]. 

Having said the above again, is to speak of just how African slavery is often misrepresented, and as with regards to speak even of the said African slave experience in all that is. That slavery is often misrepresented in all, and from speak of harsh or severe conditions too [and as in the TV show Roots], but that Slavery, is best said even African and Black, and as with slavery perceived as African, speaking of viewing Slavery as an Institution, and slavery as Black, speaking of viewing Slavery as an Experience that is.

That for African slaves in America, Identity and as with Institution too, heavily associated even, and with Materiality in all, and that in all again, slaves and as said African too were associated with a certain form of Materiality [and as in the book posted above], and those said Black, were often associated, and with a much poorer form of Materiality in all that is, and as with all this even, speaking and of just whom one could truly associate with [that African slaves, and as possessing certain forms of Materiality, and as very much Institutionalized as such, could in many a way even, befriend certain white skinned populations/groups for instance]. In all again, African slaves in America and as associated with certain forms of Materiality, leading to the rise of Republican Thought amongst African slaves, and as with they even eventually becoming members of the Republican Party in the United States of America in all that is [and as versus slaves said Black, and who eventually in many a way, and in more recent times too, become more or less Democrats in all actually].

In the Caribbean though, African slavery and as very much European in all, and in many a way too, speaking even of African Cultural and Religious practises, and as versus those said European or Non-African in all too really. In many a way, Europeans and as facing a threat in all, and as with speak of Power and Authority, and as perceived even from speak of Psychology in all, do in all ways even make those slaves said African, defined in all as 'House Negros', while those said Black, defined in all again, and as Field workers in all that is [that this experience is actually Caribbean, and not American either]. In many a way too, African Cultural and Religious practises, and in the Caribbean too, and as deemed helpful even, and from speak even of Adaptability in all that is, and in many a way even, the very rise of Cajun culture in the Caribbean, and as a compromise in all and between slaves said African in all again, and Europeans too that is, and as with regards even to the creating of a Caribbean Identity, and one said in all again, not Black in all truly even.

In Brazil in all, and not South America truly either, African slavery and as said Iberian in all again, speaking in all ways even, and of Brazilian slavery in all, and as said Urban (and African too), and that said Rural (and Black too). In all ways even, slavery in Brazil, and as perceived from speak of slaves as problem-solvers in all [and for a Brazilian elite in many a way] [and as with speak even of trusted workers in all too really], and that in all ways even, African slaves, and as coming to exert influence in Urban Brazilian society, and via the adoption of African speech patterns in all, and by Brazilians too in many a way, while Black slaves in Brazil, find themselves strongly stereotyped even, and as with they made to remain subservient workers, and very much past the said abolition of slavery in Brazil too that is [and as with it all even now, a (Human) Condition actually] [that those said Black in Brazil today, still very much treated as slaves of a kind actually].

In all again, the oppression of Africans in all, does not speak of the African Experience, but in all ways truly even, speak of the Institutionalization of Africans, and such that Africans in all again, can in many a way even be exploited in one way or another that is [all this and as compared to those said Black, and who in all ways even are defined and from speak of the Black Experience in all actually].

Finally, Africans and as failing in many a way to realize that, African Institutions, are very much Behavioural in their ways, and not truly grounded in all and in Intellectualism too that is.

Sunday 9 March 2014

African Diets

African Diets.

African Diets, and as with they today in all, associated with speak of Cereals, Grains, Meats, Starch and even Vegetables in themselves too in all, are not as healthy as most do believe them to be, and as with speak of associating African Diets on the otherhand, and with Seafood, Fruits, and even Legumes too that is.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Tree Structures

Tree Structures.

Tree Structures, and such as speak even of Binary Trees for instance, do offer in many a way, many a new idea in all again, and as with regards to problems solving in all, and in everyday and daily life too, and in Africa in all that is [and outside Egypt and South Africa too in many a way].

Friday 7 March 2014



Most in Africa in all, have in all again heard and of what some do call Oriki in all. It said to be Praise Poetry in all again, is also in many a way known in the Christian World, Abyssinia, and in the form of the Recitation too actually [and as with Recitations even, a form of Prayer in all actually].

The importance though and of Oriki in all, is that, it is in many a way, a determinant in all, and of just whom is truly African, and whom is not in all. That Oriki, and as with the ability to recite it or speak it too, does in all ways even refer, and to the ability, to Talk (and not Speak either), African that is [or simply talking African in all that is]. That the ability in all to talk African, is what does truly make one an African in all again, and as with those not able to talk African, not true Natives or Indigenes of the place that is [and as with they even not able to understand African/Egyptian Philosophy in all actually].

Finally, the ability to talk African, and as a form of Intelligence in itself too, and which in many a way does make one aware, and of Changing Times or Moods for instance [and as with Oriki evolutionary in its ways that is].

Wednesday 5 March 2014

The United States of America

The United States of America.

Gender and Modern Africa:

There are many in Africa, and who do continue to take an active interest, and in the History of the United States of America too that is. For many an African today, it is in many a way even said to speak of Inventors/Inventions, and even Business Acumen in itself too actually.

The above two Images posted above, do in all ways even speak of the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore too that is. They in many a way are said in all, to speak of the United States of America, and from the very perspective of Freedoms, Liberties and Civil Liberties, and also American Creativity, Intelligence and Acumen too [and respectively speaking in many a way too that is]. While the Statue of Liberty is associated in all, and with speak even of Immigrants to the United States of America in all again, Mount Rushmore on the otherhand, does speak even and of Americans too, and as a Race even, and as with they even possessing the Intelligence in all, and in making Mount Rushmore real too that is [that the United States of America to this very day, does make distinctions in all too even, and between Immigrants, and Native/Resident (long standing) populations in all that is].

In many a way too, many an African might perceive both 'Structures' in all, and as with speak even of African slavery in the United States of America, or even speak of Africans too, and as said lacking Intelligence that is. A better way though, and of viewing the above 'Structures' in all, and for those in Africa too, does in many a way even speak of Gender Inequalities in all actually, and not only in Africa too, but that in many a way even, the very History of the United States of America and Africa, do meet in all, and via speak even of Gender Inequalities, and as with sentiments in American society in all again, and as based around Gender Inequalities too, do appear to arise and with African cultures in the United States of America that is [but with American History, in many a way even brewing, and with many an issue or matter and as pertaining to Gender in itself too actually].



African Evolutionary Thought and Modern Africa:

Many a Scholar in Africa, and on attempting to present African Civilization and way of life even, and to Africans in themselves too, never do take into account speak of Trajectories in all. In all ways even, this very much even speaking of why societies and civilizations in themselves, do rise and fall, and with the exception and of speak of Economics in all too actually.

Europe, is in many a way even said to be of interest and as with regards to all this that is. That in many a way, speak of the rise and fall of Europe in all, does in many a way even, speak of two differing Trajectories. The first of them, is actually Greek. It is a Historical version in all, and of European History too, and which is often poorly even presented to the masses today too in all. It in all ways even, speaks of European History and as having a similar Trajectory, and to that seen in Greek Civilization too. In many a way even, it does speak too of what some do term Ancient Britain (or Cornwall too), and as with it even merging and with the History of Roman Britain too in all, and which in all again does associate the rise of Europe, and with the Arthurian world too actually [and speak even of King Arthur in himself too that is]. In all ways though, Europe and as said very much Cultural, but in many a way too, and as with speak even of the Greek Civil Wars, speaks of the rise and fall of Europe, and as associated even, and with Anatoginistic/Feminist Ideals in all [and as with speak even of truly attempting to define the roles of Men and Women, or even differing Skin Colours, and in society too that is].

The above version of European History though, does not speak of European History and as it truly did happen, and as in many a way even, there does exist another Trajectory, and which does even speak of the problems that Europe today faces in all that is [Immigrant problems too that is]. It in many a way too, does actually arise with Italy, and as with it even a History of Europe in all, and that does even speak of Italy, and as the very birthplace even, and of most even, European Languages in all too really. It in many a way though, should not be confused in all too even, and with Roman Britain too, and which does have its roots in Italy too that is. 

Italy, and as going back to the Greek times in themselves too [and as with speak even of Greek Macedon Civilization that is], is in all truly even connected to European History in many a way, and via speak of Scotland too. After the fall in many a way and of Cornwall / Ancient Britain, Europe in all sees itself, now invaded by many a said Barbarian too, and as wishing even to life simply, and in Europe that is [and as with this speaking even of Nubians in themselves too actually, and surprisingly enough that is]. In all, this version of European History, and as often not presented to the Masses, does speak even of two differing branches of the Christian Faith, one Gnostic (and truly European), and the other Goth/Gothic [and very much Italian too]. In all ways even, it is this History of Goth/Gothic Europe, that is associated with many a Religio-Military Order, and such as the Templars, or even the Knights Templar too, and in Europe that is. A version of European History in all, and which as compared to the Greek Trajectory History of Europe in all again, and which does speak even of Europe and as having fallen, and via many a European Civil/Revolutionary War too, this version of History though, does speak in all ways even, and of Barbarian Hordes theories on Europe, and as including Europeans in themselvestoo, and as very much wanting to invade, the very world of Goth/Gothic Europe that is [and as with speak even of France for instance, and as with it Greek/Arthurian Europe too in all, and as centered around Paris in all again, while Italian Europe in all truly even, and as centered around Bordeaux too actually] [and with the Notre Dame though, also speaking of Goth/Italian Europe, and not Greek/Arthurian Europe either].

In all ways even, the very fall of Europe, and as Italian/Goth/Gothic too, speaking of many an invader into Europe in itself, and as said a Barbarian too, and who in all ways even is very much hateful, and not only of the Wealth in all and as accumulated and by the Templars in Europe too, but in all ways even, truly hateful, and of just whom those in all who were associated with Templar/Goth/Gothic Europe in all, were, and as a people too actually [that in all again, they were in many a way even, deeply hated, and for their Mannerisms in many a way too for instance]. In all Barbarians into Europe, and as coming in from Africa, Central Asia and even the Middle East too, but that in all ways even, Europe today and as a Technological powerhouse in itself, does owe its Knowledge base, and to the History of the Templars, and in Europe too that is [and as with speak even of Hidden/Secret Knowledge Bases that is]. 

In all, European History and as presented and from speak of Trajectories in all [and as with Goth/Italian History in Europe now pretty much dead, while Greek/Arthurian Europe, still somewhat in existence], and as with reminding Africans that, African Civilization and as with speak even of Trajectories, does in many a way too, speak of Egyptian and Nubian Civilization even, and as with it in all again speaking of Civilization in all, and as arising even, and to great heights too, and before its falling down again, and laying dormant even, and for rather long times too that is. In all, something to be truly pondered and by many an African Scholar, and as with Egyptian and Nubian Trajectories, appearing to be typical and of African life that is.

In finality, the History of Abyssinia and even 'Byzant' too, and as speaking even and of a differing Trajectory, and which does truly ponder, just where many of the Great peoples of old in all, and as with speak even of Socrates too perhaps, did truly go to [and as with this speaking even of changes in speech, Faces, culture, or even Religion in itself, and as with it all said not applicable today that is] [and as with Egyptian Thought on Evolution, speaking even and of the Egyptians and as said even eventually returning to Earth actually].

Roman/Italian Europe, and speak even of the Roman Celts, and 'The African' too that is: