Monday 24 March 2014



Survival Mechanisms and Africa:

Most in Africa, have never truly thought in all, and about Fundamentalism too. To them, it does appear Ideology in all and as stemming from the Middle East, and as with regards even to speak of Conquest or even the Preservation of their way of life too. While the former in many a way does take the form of Media only and in most ways too, the latter is actually real, and does speak in all even and of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is [and minus speak of Saudi Arabia in itself too actually]. Fundamentalism though, is in many a way in all, and to be seen in the United States of America too, and as with it even referring and to Evangelical Thought in itself actually.

Why Fundamentalism though? For Africa, it does differ from many another part of the World but not truly so, and as Fundamentalism in all, does attempt to truly attempt to discover in all, what is truly Certain in all agan, and at just about any moment too. At the very least in all again, it does speak even and of the peoples of Saudi Arabia and as Intelligent people in all (and as versus the rest of the Middle East too and who do associate Intellectualism in all, and with Fundamentalist Thought and that does speak of Conquest too),but that Knowledge/Wisdom in all and as gained from Fundamentalism, can be applied even, and to speak of Technology in itself too for instance. 

What though does constitute for Fundamentalism and in Africa? At the very least, it does speak of just whom Africans in all, are, and as with regards to Expression in itself actually. That African Fundamentalism, does speak even of the truly proper in all, Expression, and at any given moment, time or place too that is [and as with this even speaking of being Tainted in all actually].

To perhaps make all this clearer, is to perhaps in all again, speak of the very origins of Africa and outside Egypt too in all. That most in all again for instance, don't truly know just how most Africans did arrive in all, and on the Western Coast of Africa for instance, or even truly again, into Africa in itself, and as with regards even to speak of Infrastructure that is [and as with Africans even known to possess Traditional Bodies of Knowledge, that are at the very least compared to Egyptian Knowledge Bodies too, and in the name of Ethnography and Validity too that is], but that in all ways even, it is said too in all, that the origins of life in Africa, are tied in many a way even, and to Meso-American Civilization, and as some even do believe that, the Africans in all and who did arrive on the Western Coast of Africa, did do so, and on Meso-American Ships that is [in many a way too, another angle of looking at European History, and as with Stonehenge even, said to speak of Meso-American Presences in Europe that is].

Having said the above in many a way, is to also speak of Fundamentalism in Africa, and as with it even referring, and to speak of Totality too [or even speak of total Free Expression in itself, and as with it even believed paramount in all, and as with speak of Intelligence too and as approached from speak of Communications and Explanation in itself that is], but that in all ways even and as with this even speaking of Ancestor Worship, and it all too drawing some parallels and to Egyptian History, the very belief that, the very first of Africans, and as with regards to Survival in itself, where very well adapt in all, and in Fundamental Expression, and just as the first of Egyptians, and as with this even speaking of 'Pharaoh Narmer' and also Old and New Kingdom Egypt too [and the Great Sphinx too in all], were well versed in all again and in Expression, Fundamental too, and as with regards even to speak and of the rise in all perhaps, and of Egyptian Civilization that is.

In all ways even, Fundamental Expression, and as not necessarily speaking of the Behavioural in all, but in all ways even and of Organization in itself too, and as with regards even to speak of Harmony or Unity in itself actually. In all again, the very first of Africans, and as with this referring even and to Ancestor Worship in all, and as having perhaps interesting manners or ways of Expression, Fundamental too, and as with regards to Survival in itself, and that the History of Africa, and as perceived even via speak of Christianity, does in some ways even fail to take into account just whom Africans are and as with regards to Fundamental Expression, and as with all this even speaking of Slavery or Colonialism, and as with associating the latter, and with a Fall in Fundamental Expression too that is. In all ways even, the History of Meroe, and Nubian Christianity too, and speaking even of the Nubians of Meroe, and as dealing even with issues or matters, and as pertaining to Fundamental Expression in Nubia too is [and as with Nubia even, now said very much truly a Bankrupt society so to speak].

Fundamental Expression, Christian too, and as very well fitting into Kenya that is [Link].