Sunday 23 March 2014

La Vida Loca

La Vida Loca.

Many today, do often associate in all, and with living out life, and with speak of Media in itself, International, Global or Wordly too, and as versus speak even of Local lifestyles too for instance.

To understand just whom Africans in all are and as the above does say, is to in all again even, speak of terms and such as Maisha, Maish', Vida or even Vita too [Italian]. 

That Africans in all, are still in many a way to truly define the above terms in all, and as with regards to their lives too, but with this in all again, not actually their fault in all, and as Africa too, is a rather complicated Continent, and as with regards to speak of Philosophy in itself that is.

While the Egyptians did fully live lives, Local too, and as based around their defining Maisha in all, Maish', on the otherhand was very much Greek, and with alot of Media today though, actually more or less Spanish, and as with it even speaking of Vida, while in all again, it was the Italians, and that did attempt to unite Maisha, Maish' (Link), and even Vida in all, and all in the name of Vita too actually [and with the Greeks too, having brought Maish', and into Egypt that is].

Kenya in many a way though, is a separate place and from the rest of Africa and minus Egypt too, and as in many a way even, Maisha, is actually seen in Kenya that is [and not South Africa either].

For Africa though, a way of living out life, that is complicated in all, as all the above ways of experiencing life in all, are actually to be found in Africa in one way or another, but that in all ways even, all this has never truly been deciphered in all and as with speak of Philosophy too, but that in all ways even, what does pass for 'Maisha' in all that is, is actually a rather complicated existence in all perhaps, and one yet in all again, to be truly discerned that is [and for those in all again, who do think South Africa, to be an interesting place in all].

Furtherly though, and as with speak even of Maisha (Link) and as seen once in Victorian/Colonial Kenya too, perhaps in all again, Koffi Olomide and in the song Malembe, and as having exposed in all again, something about African life, and as with it said even to possess deep Earthly tones that is [Link] [and all this too minus speak of Salif Keita and the song Africa too (Link),  and West Africa in many a way too that is].