Sunday 23 March 2014



Most in Africa, tend to spend alot of time in all, still in many a way, debating or discussing, the very matter or issue in all, and of what does constitute and for (Political) Power, and in African societies too that is. Even more disturbing though, is the inability for most and in Africa too, to raise the topic in all, and of what does constitute for Influence, and in African societies that is [and as a Politically motivated tool actually]. In many a way, the very topic of Influence in all, and how it does affect our lives and at the Political level too, is in all ways even truly the very reason why Africa today, does not in all operate, work or function too, and as it very well should be [and as with the belief even that, Life is actually Easy, and if perhaps in all again, this saying in all, is taken from speak of Influence that is].

In all ways even, this is what does constitute and for the History of Christianity in Africa (Link) [and minus that said Missionary too], and as it is Christianity in Africa, and that has very much attempted in all, to deal with many a problem and as arising with Influence [and not the abuse of (Political) Power either that is].

In all ways even, a huge problem in all it is believed, and as dealing with problems and as associated with Influence, does in all ways even remain a disturbing scenario or situation too, and in Africa today that is.