Friday 7 March 2014



Most in Africa in all, have in all again heard and of what some do call Oriki in all. It said to be Praise Poetry in all again, is also in many a way known in the Christian World, Abyssinia, and in the form of the Recitation too actually [and as with Recitations even, a form of Prayer in all actually].

The importance though and of Oriki in all, is that, it is in many a way, a determinant in all, and of just whom is truly African, and whom is not in all. That Oriki, and as with the ability to recite it or speak it too, does in all ways even refer, and to the ability, to Talk (and not Speak either), African that is [or simply talking African in all that is]. That the ability in all to talk African, is what does truly make one an African in all again, and as with those not able to talk African, not true Natives or Indigenes of the place that is [and as with they even not able to understand African/Egyptian Philosophy in all actually].

Finally, the ability to talk African, and as a form of Intelligence in itself too, and which in many a way does make one aware, and of Changing Times or Moods for instance [and as with Oriki evolutionary in its ways that is].