Wednesday 5 March 2014

The United States of America

The United States of America.

Gender and Modern Africa:

There are many in Africa, and who do continue to take an active interest, and in the History of the United States of America too that is. For many an African today, it is in many a way even said to speak of Inventors/Inventions, and even Business Acumen in itself too actually.

The above two Images posted above, do in all ways even speak of the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore too that is. They in many a way are said in all, to speak of the United States of America, and from the very perspective of Freedoms, Liberties and Civil Liberties, and also American Creativity, Intelligence and Acumen too [and respectively speaking in many a way too that is]. While the Statue of Liberty is associated in all, and with speak even of Immigrants to the United States of America in all again, Mount Rushmore on the otherhand, does speak even and of Americans too, and as a Race even, and as with they even possessing the Intelligence in all, and in making Mount Rushmore real too that is [that the United States of America to this very day, does make distinctions in all too even, and between Immigrants, and Native/Resident (long standing) populations in all that is].

In many a way too, many an African might perceive both 'Structures' in all, and as with speak even of African slavery in the United States of America, or even speak of Africans too, and as said lacking Intelligence that is. A better way though, and of viewing the above 'Structures' in all, and for those in Africa too, does in many a way even speak of Gender Inequalities in all actually, and not only in Africa too, but that in many a way even, the very History of the United States of America and Africa, do meet in all, and via speak even of Gender Inequalities, and as with sentiments in American society in all again, and as based around Gender Inequalities too, do appear to arise and with African cultures in the United States of America that is [but with American History, in many a way even brewing, and with many an issue or matter and as pertaining to Gender in itself too actually].