Monday 10 March 2014



Bonds/Identity and Africa:

Those living in Africa today, must admit that, outside Influences into Africa, have brought with them many an issue in all, or matter too, and as pertaining to discrimination, and as with it even racial in all [or speak even of stereotyping or bigotry too]. In many a way, this does refer to just how we do create Bonds in society in all, and as with this even speaking of Group Identity, and as with the simple case even of stating that those who do create Religiously inclined Bonds, and as with speak even of members of a Church, do in many a way in all interact differently or favourably too, and as compared to those who do create Bonds and as based around Western Media too for instance.

In many a way too, Western Media and as promoting the creation of Bonds, and as based around Diversions in all again, in that, Bonds in the Western World, do speak for instance of releasing/relieving Stress in all, and as with speak even of finding Acceptance amongst others, and as with all this even speaking furtherly of Entertainment Media, Modern Retail Industries, or even speak of Upscale lifestyles too in all that is. In all ways even, speak of creating Bonds as such, and as based around relieving oneself of Stress, leading to a difficult view of life, and as with regards even to defining Purpose in our lives that is. 

Shrines in many a way, have traditionally even, offered interesting ways, and of creating Bonds, and amongst many a differing group of peoples that is. That Shrines in their most basic sense, and as found in Asia too, did speak even of Attraction in all, and as with they attracting many a visitor to them in all again, and as with speak of a city too, and in many a way too, the forming of Bonds, and as based around Routine in all actually [or the regular visiting of these Shrines that is].

There is another way though, and of viewing Shrines, and that does speak even of Attention in all. That Shrines, can help us truly determine what is truly important in our lives, and as with speak of Purpose too, and by defining themselves around speak of Misgivings in all (or speak even of many a warning too), and as with they asking us even, to pay Attention in all, and to certain areas of our lives, and as with perhaps attempting to summarize something not too easy to explain perhaps, and as in comparing the TV/Television to a Shrine, and as with it even now showing many a show in all, and that does have us paying Attention in all again, and to certain areas of our lives, and as with these TV shows said even, rather educative in all that is.