Tuesday 18 March 2014

Rome: The History of a City

Rome: The History of a City

Many in Africa today, don't think too much, and of their cities in all [and as with they said not Cities truly, and due to the fact perhaps, nothing much of interest does happen in them that is]. To speak of Modern Cities, is to perhaps associate them with a Political Leadership, Architectural Designers/Firms, and even truly again speak of Technology and the Technological too, and as said helping enhance even, Social life in many a City today, and not Cultural life truly either.

The City of Rome on the otherhand, and in Italy too, might be of interest to some in Africa, and as in saying that, Italian Cities did differ from European Cities in all, and as Italian Cities were grounded in all again, and in speak of Italian Expression, while European Cities, did in all speak of European Cultural life that is. In all, speak even of Africa too, and as with African Cities in all, said based around African Expression, and not African Cultural life truly either [and as with speak even of African Identity in all that is].

To put the City of Rome, or its History too, and in a perspective that Africans might understand, is to say that in Expression, it came to be defined and by the Caesars [and as with reminding one that, Rome, was not only an Italian City, but in all ways even, also a Roman City, and as with it at the very heart even, and of the Roman Empire/Civilization that is]. Second off, is to also speak of Rome, and as a City of Moors too, Italian, and who did in many a way come to define Cultural life in all (and as with it based around Expression too), and in Rome that is [Link]. Thirdly, and as with speak even of Rome and as a City Africans might identify with, is to speak of life in Rome in all, and as defined in all again, and by Militant cultures in all, and Militancy in itself too that is [that in all again, Romeo & Juliet, is actually truly in all an Italian Tale, and not truly European either] [Link] [and as with the music in the previous link in all, actually Italian, and not European/French either], and as with perhaps even speaking of Rome and Italy, and Moors too, and in a manner that Africans might identify with, speaking in all and of Sharpshooting Wrestling for instance, having been practised in Rome in all, and as with Africans too knowledgeable in all and in Wrestling too, but with telling many an African that, Sharpshooting Wrestling is superior to African Wrestling in many a way, due to its taking into account Weapons practise that is].

In all ways even, the above speaking of Dynamism, and in City life too, and as with most Cities today, facing a lack of Dynamism in all, and as with regards to Culture or even Economic life too, but with also telling one that, Rome in all, did house the Vatican in all actually, and as with simply attempting to tell most in Africa that, Italians, and many who did live in the past, can be disassociated and from Humanity today, and as with regards to speak of the Psyche and Psychology too, and as with Italians too, in many a way in all responsible and for simply Designing their own lives, and which were in many a way moderated by the Church in Italy too, and as with Italians again, basically Seducers and as with regards to living out life in all, but that in all again, speak of Italy and from an Evolutionary perspective, does speak in all ways even and of Italians and as attempting to become Singular in all, and as with this speaking even of being truly Unique in ones ways that is [and not only in thought in itself actually, but also the very questioning of God and life/existence in itself perhaps, and as with regards to what was truly possible that is].