Tuesday 18 March 2014

Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York.

Myths of Origin and African Social life:

One in many a way, must be of the admittance that, Social life in Africa today, has come to be truly even based around many a Discriminatory factor, and as with this speaking even of judging others by skin colour, head size, race, and even tribal Identity too in all. This is not especially wrong, and if judged from a Religious perspective, but that in all again, African life today, and as grounded in all, and in Social Identity too, does suffer from many a problem pertaining to the Diatribe in all, and as with this preventing in many a way even, the very rise of Local Businesses for instance.

To help Africans in all deal and with many an issue and as pertaining to Social Identity today, and discriminatory attitudes too, is to in all perhaps speak of Myths of origin, and as with they not truly grounded in Religion in all, but simple Myths in all again, and to live by, and as with speak even of the only thing one does truly know in all perhaps, and which can act, and as a guide in all, and in just how to live life basically that is [and as with speak even of a living a life basic or simple in its ways, and as with one too, not too judgmental of oneself or others, and as with speak even of those deemed successes too that is].

To speak of so said Myths of origins in all, and as with they even coming to readily influence Social life in all again, is to perhaps give examples in all, and from Italy too, and which can probably help many an African think in all, and favourably too, and of Social Identity in Africa today that is. 

The first of these, does in all associate the birth of Italy, and with Monastic lifestyles in all, and as truly grounded in Prayer too, and which in many a way, were responsible for the birth of Traditional Industries In Italy in all actually [and as with they today even, associated and with Italian Shoes or even Italian Wines for instance]. In all again, Social Identity and as arising even and with not only Prayer in all, but also Industry too. Another Myth of origin in Italy, does speak in all and of the origin of Italy in all perhaps, and as with this referring even, and to Italian life and as said grounded in all and in Italian Festivities that is, and Festivities too rather memorable in their ways and as with further speak of Cherishing ones memories of life in all, and as with a modern example even, speaking of that cherished song in all, and from Italia 90' too [Link]. In all again, Italy and as born around Scholarly works in all even [and speak even of an Italian Education and further speak of Local Identities too that is]. A third way of viewing Italy, and as with this referring even, and to speak of the rise of Italy perhaps, does speak of Italian life and as grounded in a whole new Religion (and as with it said even Ascetic in all actually) [and basic speak even of the 7 Virtues & Vices for instance], and as with this even speaking of the History of the Roman Celts in Italy (and the birth of Christendom too), and as with further speak of Italian History, it becoming grounded in all, and in speak of the Templars for instance [and as a Cultural or Social people in all that is]. Another way of viewing Italy and as based around speak of Myths of origin, does in all ways even speak of creating a strong Identity perhaps, and as based around terms such as Chivalry, Machismo, Valour or even Gallantry too, and as with this speaking even of Religion and in the form of the Code of Honour for instance, and it in many a way even speaking of just who in all again perhaps, Cupid, and as an Italian God in all, was in many a way too Italy, and as with he even espousing the above mentioned ways of defining life in all again, and many others too, and as basically even summarized and speak even of Amore that is [Geniality].

In all, and as speaking of life and as mentioned above, is to also speak of Africans perhaps, and as self-hating in some ways, and due to International or Global Media even, and which does associate Africans in all, and with backward Social Identities that is. Having said this, is to also speak of a another manner of creating Myths of origin, American too, and as based around City life and Social Identity too, and which does in many a way even, speak of Trickster minded criminals in all perhaps, and further speak even and of the rise and of the Modern Identity of New York City today that is: Gangs of New York [Link].