Friday 13 December 2013

African Continental Initiatives

African Continental Initiatives.

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with just how in all, the average African, does perceive the wider World that is. In many a way, this does have to do, and with the belief even, that Africans in general, are actually different, and from other peoples outside Africa in itself too actually [and as with they even deemed somewhat similar actually]. In all, this actually, does have to do, and with just how Africans do define Innocence actually, and as compared to the rest of the World, where Innocence in all again, is actually somewhat Iraqi/'Arab', and in its ways too that is [and as with this even speaking of Civilization in Iraq, similar to the rest of the World somewhat, and as compared to that seen in Africa too that is].

In all, African Continental Initiatives, do speak in all ways even, and of Africa, and as separate and distinct even, and from the rest of the World too somewhat, and as with speak even of African Genes, and as somewhat said to be of a  higher Hybrid, and as compared to the rest of the World that is.

In many a way, one does find that, many a person in Africa today, does attempt, to connect to the rest of the World, and as based around speak of Modern Africa in all, and as with Modern Africa too, referring to just how Africans in all again, do define and perceive, issues too, and as relating to Gender, Race, Age and Class that is (GRAC). In many a way, speak of African Superiority or Inferiority, does actually speak of GRAC, how Africans in all again do define it actually, and as with Africa today, not only appearing to be inferior in their ways and as with regards to this, but that, in many a way in all, is to tell many an African that, issues pertaining to Slavery, and as with speak even of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, does speak of GRAC in itself, but that, many an African has been fooled into believing that Slavery, was very much perceived from the perspective of Race, when in reality, African Slavery, and in the Americas too, was perceived from the perspective of Age actually [and as with African slaves even, said to be Intelligent, but Child-like in their ways actually]. In all again, this History of African Slavery, should not be confused with one originating from the Middle East and Asia too (and under the British), and of African looking peoples too, and into the Americas, and which was Slavery defined and as based around Race and Gender too respectively that is.

In all, this post, very much has to do, and with not attempting to uncover really, what Africa is (and as with speak of African Images of Respect, African Bodies, and even African Voices too), but that in all ways even, speak of what Africa truly is all About actually (what in all again that is, does truly/fully constitute, genuine African Experiences, African Intrigues, and even African Love Stories too that is).

To begin speak of African Continental Intitiatives, and just how in all again, Africans should best perceive the wider World and as with attempting to connect to it, does speak in all again, and of viewing Africa as a Cultural Ecosystem, and not a Political Entity too that is. In all ways even, below, is presented the best way to view African Cultural ecosystems in all actually.

Africana: To speak of Africana, is to speak in all again, and of all kinds of African relations, social, political, economic and even religious too, and as derived or originating even, and from African Festivals, and even African Festive life that is. That in all ways even, just how Africans in all again, do perceive Political entities and even Social relationships too, and as having their origins in all, and in African Festive life too (and the relations in all seen within them actually), but with all this in all again, appearing very much to be cornered in all (and as with speak even of dominance in all again), and around Nigeria too [and as perceived even the premier 'Africana' country in all that is].


Tricksters: To speak of African Identities, is to also speak of them and as appearing, to be based around the Trickster Archetype in itself [that Africans by nature in all, do appear to be Tricksters in name and recognition too that is]. In all again, an Africa that does speak of defining Individual Success [and as with living a life, very much solitary or isolated in nature, and as based around accumulating Wealth in itself too]. In many a way, this does also speak of Imhotep, and as believed having said to have lived a lifetime (and outside speak of him as the Builder of the Pyramids too), and as a Trickster too that is. In many a way again, a belief that, African Knowledge Systems, do lie in many a way, and with speak of Africans, and as Tricksters too actually [that Trickster figures in all, are actually truly African in many a way, and as with speak of the diversity of such figures in all again, and as seen within Africa that is].

African Ethnic Identities: Africa, and from a Political stance, is defined and as based around Tribal/Native Identities, and with the exception though of Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), where Political Identities in all again, tend to actually be Indigenous/Settler in their ways that is. African Ethnic Identities, are very much Social in their ways, and also do appear, to be rather Racial in their ways too actually. In all ways though, is to attempt to create/produce, a mapping out, and of racial relationships in Africa, and especially between differing Skin Colours too that is. That one does find that, in Africa, and outside South Africa too, relationships between Black skinned and White skinned populations (and where such populations might be found), do appear to be normal in their ways actually (and with Brown skinned populations somewhat isolated in all), but with South Africa on the otherhand, having Whiteskinned and Brown skinned relationships somewhat normal in their ways actually, and with Black skinned populations somewhat isolated in nature too that is. In all again, a good way (romantic even), and of viewing African Ethnic Identities, and as compared to viewing them from the perspective of Facial features, and even Physical/Body Identities too that is. In all ways again, African Ethnic Identities, and as versus African Political Identities too, somewhat connecting to Spain actually (and as with it said somewhat African in its ways that is, Historically too, and as with speak even of Southern/Middle Spain actually, and as versus Northern Spain too, and which is very much European in all that us), and as with Spain too, seen as a sort of paradise, and as with regards, to African Ethnic Identities, and African Skin Colour based relations too that is. 

GRAC: To speak of GRAC in all again, is to speak of the best way to redefine it all actually [that GRAC today and in Africa too, is somewhat defined, and in ways that would associate Africa in all again, and with Slavery too, and also Discrimination of all kinds too actually]. In all, definitions of GRAC (Gender, Race, Age & Class), do appear in all again to go along with British/Western Media in all and a British/Western Education too, while a better approach of thinking of the troublesome World of GRAC in all, does speak of Age, and as acquainted even and with Brazil too, Race and with Cuba, and with Class on the otherhand, surprisingly enough defined from the perspective of Madagascar too actually [what this does mean is that, taking the Middle East into consideration for instance, speaks of Wealth creation and Class, that does also speak of it all somewhat Nature oriented, or with it all too, matching the Desert too actually, and that Africans in all again, can basically think of creating/defining Wealth, and as based around matching it all, and to Madagascar too that is]. In all again, speak even of defining/re-defining Country in Africa (and as with speak even of Knowledge Depositaries too), and as based around Gender, and not Race and Age either that is [and as with speak even of spearheading African Development too that is].

Political Identities: In all, Political Identities in general, and as with speak even of Continental views too actually, do differ in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia), and from the rest of Africa too actually. For one finds in all that, Tribal/Native Identities in Africa in all (outside Abyssinia), are similar to those seen in Central Asia (and as with they Warrior-like in nature too), while those seen in Abyssinia in all (and especially Ethiopia), and as with they Indigenous too, are somewhat similar to those seen in Europe actually (and as with they Knightly in nature too that is) [speak of the Warrior-like and the Knightly though, does speak even, and of Cultural orientations, and to Political Identities in Africa too that is]. In all again, Anatolia and as with speak of Tribal/Native Political Identities in all, more Central Asian in its ways, and as with speak even of Arab presences, and in Central Asia too that is.

The African Family: Traditionally in all though, the African Family has been grounded in Ancestor Worship actually (and as with speak even of the name Africa in itself too), while in more Modern/recent times, the African Family finds itself in all, and as grounded in Secular relations actually, and even Modern Educational Initiatives too (and as based around GRAC too that is). In all ways though, the name Afrika, and with a K too, speaking more of Modern African Families, and as not grounded even, and in Ancestor Worship too that is [and with the African Family, Historically even, and as the basis even of African cultures, appearing to have its roots in all, and in Botswana too perhaps, and as with speak even, and of Rock Paintings to be found in the place that is].

The African Continent: And as viewed in all, and from a Cultural perspective too, speaks in all again, and of many and outside Abyssinia too, viewing Africa and as with Cultural Imagery too, from the very perspective of Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa too, but with many a person in Abyssinia, traditionally viewing Africa in all, and from the perspective of Abyssinia, the Swahili Coast and even Ghana/Africa too that is [and as with speak even of URTNA too actually].

In all again, African Continental Initiatives in all, and as said derived even, and from African Dance too actually [and as with speak even of Capoeira in Brazil, the Tango in Argentina, Fardo Music/Dance and Portugal and the Swahili Coast too, and even the Morris Dance, and speak too of Moors and Africa too that is].

Anatolia & Dance: