Monday 23 December 2013

The Gris-Gris Man

The Gris-Gris Man.

Many in Uganda or Kampala in itself too, might have heard of the Gris-Gris Man actually. He though, and as a reknowed African Figure too, is somewhat misunderstood. This in many a way, does lie with the belief that, the Gris-Gris Man in all, does in all again solve problems, and in a rather unconventional manner too, and in an Africa in all, that actually somewhat does truly try to be Western, and in mindsets too that is.

In all again though, the Gris-Gris Man, can be perceived in a certain way actually. For he in many a way, he is truly a Religious Figure in all, but with his Religion in all again, truly in all not actually Vodou [and which is the conventional Religion in all, to be seen all over Africa too, and as including Egypt that is, but outside Abyssinia too actually (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)]. In all, the Gris-Gris Man, is actually truly associated and with what some do call Hoodoo actually.

A fine way though, to properly view the History of the Gris-Gris Man, is to know that he is very much associated, and with what some do call Ancestral Memory. For it is the Gris-Gris Man, and as a kind of revolutionary figure too, and as with Hoodoo even, speaking of being Knowledgeable in Oracular Knowledge in all, Millitancy, Herbology & Medicine, Religious Art/Music and even what some do term Traditional Banking too. In many a way, the Gris-Gris Man, and as an African archetypal figure, at the very least does teach one, how to live life, and as based around ones Home too that is. That in all, the Gris-Gris Man, and as a Local Figure too, was said in all, to very well help one stake out any success they did so wish for, and as with this speaking even, and of the Gris-Gris Man too, and speak even of Ancestral Memory that is (or the African past actually), truly helping the Individual African in all, truly learn just what in all again, to aspire for, and in Life too that is [and as with saying that, and as in putting the Gris-Gris Man into context, that Western Entertainment Media in all, has very well replaced the Gris-Gris Man and in African lives too, and as with helping Africans even, truly define what Individual success in all truly is, or what in all again, will truly make them happy that is]. In all again, to put the Gris-Gris Man into a certain light, and as with speak even of the difficult lives many a person in Africa today might live, and as with furtherly speaking even of seeking out Individual Success too, is to go as far, as associating in all, the Gris-Gris Man actually, and with what some do calls 419 Crime in Nigeria too, and as a form of African Trickery too that is.

To put the Gris-Gris Man into a much better context in all and for the younger African today too that is, is to perhaps speak of him Mythically, and as an American would too perhaps, and as with furtherly even associating the Gris-Gris Man in all, and in a mythical fashion too, and with the Jimi Hendrix Song 'Along the Watchtower' actually [and a Song too, that does speak even and of what African Rock Music in all, would sound like actually] [and as with this speaking even, and of Igbo and Bantu (Cameroon) peoples too that is].

In all again, perhaps asking those in Africa in all or Uganda truly even, that when they do seek out Media in all, and for the Home too, then let it be along the lines of 'Along the Watchtower' actually, and as with helping even bring back the Gris-Gris Man into African lives, and as with simply helping Africans too, truly think about or even truly again, deeply contemplate their lives in all, and as with regards even to any actions taken that is, and as with Ancestral Memories too, speaking in all again and of Africa as truly grounded in Ancestor Worship that is, and as a Belief system in all, to be highly respect that is [and as with this even speaking of Losing oneself, and never truly caring to know or understand anything that is].