Tuesday 31 December 2013



To speak of Independence and Africa, is to also refer to the rather false known notion that, Independence in Africa, could be equated to many a Black Power Movement in all, and as seen around the World too that is (and as with this referring even, and to Economic Empowerment in all actually), when in reality, Independence movements in Africa, were very much along the lines of Black Liberation Movements in all, and as seen around the World too that is [and with a lot of talk of Post-Independence Africa in all, speaking of it all and along the lines of Black Power Movements too that is].

To speak of Black Liberation Movements, is to speak in all again and of the ability in all, to express oneself and as one might truly wish. Speaking of Independence as such, does in all ways even, speak of just how the so termed struggle for Independence, is often erroneously presented to most that is. That in most ways even, there are three main ways in all, and of looking at the history of the Declaration of Independence, and in Africa too. The first speaks of a National Consciousness, the second of Family, and the third of Marital Relations in all that is.

To speak of a National Consciousness, and as often said to having been at the heart of the so termed struggle for Independence in all (and as with it more or less truly a Liberationist Movement actually, and not a Black Power Movement either that is), is to speak of the false belief that, Africans in all, and as with speak even of their Traditional societies in all again, did define themselves and as based around National Consciousness that is, when in reality, Nationality in all, did not exist and in just about all parts of Africa too actually. To speak of the so termed struggle for Independence in these terms, National Consciousness that is, is to not only equate it all really, and with the Congo and South Africa too, but that in all ways even, all this did speak of the attempt to destroy Cultural and Political Imagery/Symbolism, and by European forces too, and all in the name perhaps, and of Hate in itself too actually [that Africa in all, deemed primitive, was actually more developed than most believe it to have been, and as with speak even of African Classical Art that is] [and such as that seen in Dahomey, or amongst the Yoruba too actually]. In all ways even, this does speak also of the troubling History of Apartheid in South Africa, and which was not in most ways based around Black Power Movements either (and as it is presented today in all again that is), but more or less truly around Black Liberationist Movements in all, and as with Apartheid South Africa too, having been more cultured in all, Artistically too that is, and than most believed it to have been actually [and as with simple speak even of many a Black South African Jazz Band in all, Local too, and their ability in all again, to simply afford many an Instrument that is].

To speak of Independence, and as perceived around Family life in Africa, is to also speak of what are known as Freedom Fighters in all, and in the so termed struggle for Independence that is. That this manner of perceiving the struggle for Independence in all again, is actually truly falsely believed or assumed Kenyan in all (and as with speak even of the Mau Mau for instance), when in reality, it did actually truly only happen, and in North Africa that is [that this in all ways even, speaks of the disrupting of Family life in North Africa, and the attempt in all again and by North Africans in all, to reclaim their past, their Family livelihoods and lifestyles too, and by engaging in many a struggle, and as based around being a Freedom Fighter that is].

Finally in all, and as with speak even of Kenyan History too, is to speak of Independence in all again, and as perceived via Marital Relations that is. That Kenya in many a way in all again, is often perceived as not being truly African in all, and very much due to the backward nature in all again, and of Tribal Identities, and to be seen in the place that is [that Kenyan Tribal societies in all, were/are in many a way, perceived rather backwards even, and as with speak even of poor and undeveloped Languages, Religion, or even speak of African Art too that is]. The reason for this does lie with the very fact that, most Kenyans in all, are actually recent arrivals to the place (and as with speak even of Arab History in Kenya, and the settlement of African looking peoples into Kenya, and from the Middle East and Asia too), but that the so called struggle for Independence in Kenya in all, actually does arise, and with many a Marital Dispute that is [and as with this referring even, and to the so termed 'Corridors of Power', and the attempt in all again, and by many a Black Kenyan too, to truly actually engage, and in Colonial/Victorian lifestyles, and as seen in the place too actually] [All this too, and as excepting in all again, the Maasai, Boran and Somal (Kenyan-Somali) peoples in all, and of Kenya too, and who are truly the only Indigenous (and not Native either) peoples of Kenya that is]. In all again, Black Kenyan Tribal cultures in all, and as truly only based around Marital Relations too, and not Religion either.

Having mentioned the above, is to first in all again put Modern African Lives in all that is, and into perspective, and as with mentioning in all again, they are today perceived even, and from the very perspective of Black Power Movements that is (and as with speak even of Economic Empowerment too actually), and are in all again disconnected from their past (past Generations that is), and as with Africa and the fight for Independence too, based around Liberationist Movements/Mentalities that is.

In all ways though, how to best speak of the impact of not only Colonialism in Africa, but also speak of the impact in all, and of many a Declaration of Independence that is, and in Africa too actually [and as with many an African today, expected to create a core Identity in all, and as based around the Declaration in all, and of Independence too that is]. In all ways even, to speak of the Declaration actually (and not the resistance to Colonial rule either), and of Independence too, and in Africa in all, and as with this referring even to a general African Consciousness in all again, and the belief that we do need to create Identities and as based the Declaration of Independence too, does speak in all ways even, and of Marital Relations that is. That in all ways even, many an African today and as with speak even of Neo-Colonialism for instance, does attempt to create Marital Relations in all, and somewhat similar to those seen in the Western World actually, and without truly knowing, what truly in all again, does constitute African Marital and Gender Relations that is. That in most of the World and outside Africa too, Marital and Gender Relations and as found/seen between a Man and a Woman in all, does speak even and of Discrepancies and between a Man and a Woman too (and as with speak even of Compatibility that is), and as with all this furtherly referring even, and to the creation of Perfect Images of a Man and a Woman (and such as those seen in many a European Fairy Tale too for instance), and by which a Man and a Woman in a relation, are supposed to meet that is. This does differ though, and in Africa too, and where Gender and Marital Relations in all, have been based around what one could call Distinctions actually [in all again, knowing truly what does differentiate a Man from a Woman, and in all ways even celebrating such differences actually, and in a relationship too, and as with this even speaking of African Masculinity in all, and as widely differing in all again, and if perceived from the very lenses in all, and of the Womenfolk that is (that all Women in Africa in all again, actually do differ from each other that is)]. In all again, the creation of Marital Relations and as based around Discrepancies too, and between a Man and a Woman, and as seen around the World and outside Africa too that is, has led to many an Inferiority Complex in all, and amongst many an African too that is.

In all ways the above, Marital Relations, and as speaking even of the pervading presence of the memory of the Declaration of Independence in all, and in Africa today too that is [and as with further speak even and of comparisons and to European and American Marital relations that is].
