Wednesday 25 December 2013

Deconstructing Africa

Deconstructing Africa.

To speak in many a way, and of Deconstructing Africa, is to speak in all ways even, and of what does constitute African Philosophy in all that is. That in all again, African Philosophy, does speak even and of an Energy Matrix in all, and where it is believed that inputing/feeding energy/knowledge into it, and in a general sense too, and to a certain point that is, will result in certain results showing up in all [and as with this basically even speaking of what some do socially term Vibes actually, and as with Vibes too, capable of having one live their lives and as they pretty much wish to define them that is] [and speak even furtherly, and of beliefs that Africans in all, are corrupt by nature too that is].

In all again, Deconstructing Africa, does speak even of not only categorizing Africa in all, but in all again all this truly even referring to Africa in all, and as Regionally divided into various parts too, and as with speak even of Southern Africa, and Eastern Africa too for instance.

In all, this actually does speak of Modern African Philosophy in all again, and as having come to be defined in all truly even, and by Nubian, Yoruba and even Igbo Philosophical Thought too actually. In all, an attempt in the Modern Times, to view African Philosophy, and by comparing it in all, and to European and American Philosophy, and as with this even speaking of African notions of Empowerment too [or in all again, Beliefs we do wish to believe in all, and as with they even, making us in general, feel really good about ourselves, our lives, and even our expectations and of just about anything or everything out there too that is].

The purpose of this post though, is to attempt to realign Modern African Philosophy in all, and as with it believed even to have Nubian, Yoruba and Igbo origins to it all, and instead very much center it in a world in all, that once did exist, and was known even, and to the Portuguese Jesuits too that is: this in all again, speaking of the very world of the Kongo actually.

To speak in all again, and of Modern African Philosophy, and as more or less not speaking of truly defining the limits of experiencing Life in all (and as it once did that is), but instead, simply speaking even of Empowering Africans, and as with making them simply feel good and confident about themselves that is, is to in all again attempt in all, and to ground it in the very world of Kongo Religious Beliefs too that is. In all again, Modern African Philosophy, and as with it even now, helping somewhat unite African peoples in all, and as with it even speaking of offering African peoples in all again, all sorts of opportunes actually, and in experiencing life, and on the African Continent too that is [and beyond it even] [and as with this basically in all again, speaking of Africans in all, and who do amass Wealth, and in another African Country too that is].

N'Kisi: To speak of N'Kisi in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of African Philosophy, and as defined based around Social Identities too. In many a way, this does speak of the African Continent in all, and as mainly holding Social Revolutionary sentiments, and as compared to Political Revolutionary sentiments, and as is often seen in South America, North America and even Europe to some extent too actually. In all again, all this speaking of African Totemism, Fetishism, Animism etc., and as coming to define African Social Identities in all, and not Political or Religious Identities either.

Political Centers: Many African Cities, are often perceived, and from the very belief in all that, they are actually Capital Cities. In many a way, speak of Capital Cities, does speak even, and of they solving problems, and from more or less a Cultural perspective too, and not a Political one either. In all ways even, speak of African Cities, and as Political Centers too, does speak even and of their being admired in all, and as with their being Highly Esteemed, Recognized or even Worshiped too, and for offering a Political Solution in all, one admired too, and to many a problem out there actually, and as with speak even of being Connected too in all. In all ways even, the very world of African Internal Affairs, and in many a way too, the very world even and of Enigmatic African Political Leaders too that is [and as with speak even of Idi Amin perhaps, or even Tom Mboya too actually].

Palo Mayombe: Many out there, and in Africa too, might have heard of the term 'Naija' actually. This in many a way, does speak even and of Orisha worship, and as seen in Nigeria too, However in all again, it does speak very much, and of the very world of Popularized/Famous Africans in all, and as with they even somewhat Celebrity like in their ways actually, and as with this in all again, speaking even, and of Nigerians/'Naija', and as with they the more popular of Africans out there too that is [and as with this popularity in all, going along with Orisha worship too that is]. However, to speak of Popularized/Famous Africans, and in Modern Africa today too, is to perhaps put aside 'Naija' in all (and as with this speaking even and of Africans breaking into the American Music and Movie Industries), and instead bring back the very world of Popularized/Famous Africans, and as based around the world even, and of the Kongo Palo Mayombe Belief systems too that is.

Lingua Franca: To speak of Lingua Franca and Africa, is to speak in all again and of the very world in all, and at the very least too, and of African Languages actually, and as very merging in many a way, and with English too for instance, or many another respected and politicized Language and outside to Africa too that is. In all ways even, this does speak of Africa and as divided into Lusophone, Anglophone and even Francophone Africa too, and with the false belief that, it was the Anglophone or the Francophone that did in all, come to exist first, when in reality, Africa has been Lusophone, and for a rather long period in all, and dating back to the times of the Kongo Kingdoms too that is. In all again, speak even of the very world of reknowed African Figures, and as with this furtherly even, speaking of many an African Political Institution, not only rather Local in its ways, but having Influence far and wide, and in many a way too, speak of these Institutions, and as very much Behavioural in their ways, and not speak of one being Highly Educated either that is. 

African Diplomacy: To speak of African Diplomacy, is to speak of African states of Being actually. In all again, this does refer to the African Mind, or even speak of African Souls too actually. In all truly even, speak in all again, and of African concepts of Power in all (and as with this truly speaking even of Humanity and what it does mean to be Human/'Sacred' actually), but that in all ways even, African Diplomacy can be said, to have its origins, and not with African efforts to recreate their societies in all, and after the Colonial period too, but that in all ways even, it does have to do and with the History of Central Africans in the Americas (and as including America too), and some as slaves too, and as coming even to have an impact, and on White Society in these places that is [the very false belief in all that, it is groups from Mali, Nigeria/Yourba/Igbo and even Ghana too perhaps, that did come to shape American societies in all, and as with speak even of Blues Music, Jazz or even Rhythm & Blues too that is (and not RnB either)]. In reality though, those in the Americas in all and as including North America too even (and as with speak of Esteemed White Society), and as possessing said African Behavioural norms in all, that are actually truly Central African in their ways, and not those seen amongst other African peoples too that is [a good example of all this, would be to speak of Michelle Obama for instance]. In all ways even, a rather good way of thinking of African Diplomacy, and even the African Diaspora too, and from the very perspective of Central Africans in all, and their History, and in the Americas too that is.