Saturday 28 December 2013


of Zaire.

To speak of Zaire in all, is to perhaps speak of misrepresenting the region of the Congo, and as one ruled by Dictatorships too actually. In all ways though, to speak of Zaire in all, is to actually speak of it all truly even, and as being nothing more, than an African Aesthetic, and even an African look too that is. An African Aesthetic in all, that in all ways even, was supposed to represent in all again, Modern Age African Royalty and Elitism too, and as with this speaking even, and of viewing African peoples in all again, and from the perspective of Caste and Workers too that is. In all, a look or Aesthetic in all again, that was supposed in all to go with the breeding of a new class of African Intellectuals and Leaders too, and as with they defining themselves and from the perspective of Royalty in all, and in all ways even, solving problems in Africa, and as based around Caste too, and Caste in all again, and as perceived by African Royal Classes that is [and not Government truly either].

In all, Zaire, of Congolese history, of Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, the Congolese past, of Zimbabwe, of Bantu history, the Bantu past, as having been somewhat more memorable than most believe it to have been, but never in all again, did reach its full potential in most ways actually.
