Monday 16 December 2013

African Lives

African Lives.

Many in Africa, in many a way, do tend to feel Innately Inferior, and to many another person/people in all, and as found outside Africa too that is. This in many a way, has very much to do and with not only contrasting African lives and with those outside Africa too, or even comparing them as such, but that in all ways even, most African achievements of all kinds, are never truly appreciated, and outside Africa too that is.

The reason for the above, and as with speak even of a so called well-spoken African not being admired by many a person in all, does speak even, and of just how Life in all, has basically been lived, and around the World too, and since the Ancient times that is. In all ways even, there are three main models in all, that have been utilized in living out Life and around the World too: the first being Egyptian, the second Greek and the third Italian too. In all, to speak of the Egyptian way of Life, is to speak of it and as defined and by the Knowledgeable too [that at just about every moment of Egyptian life, one was seeking to be Knowledgeable, and in one way or another too that is]. To speak of the Greek way of Life, is to speak of it and as being based around the Experiential too [and as with this even basically speaking of experiencing Tragedy and Comedy even, and to its greatest heights too that is]. To speak of the Italian way of Life, is to speak of it as being based around the Interactional actually [and as with this even, not only speaking of European History in all, but in all ways even and for those of us still living in a World highly based around discrimination too, speak even, and of highly blissful Interracial unions/sex for instance].

Africans though, and outside Egypt too, have always lived in many a way, different Lives, and from peoples outside Africa in itself too in all [and as with this including Egypt too actually]. In many a way though, the Western/Modern World, is believed to be culminative and as with regards to speak of the Peak of Civilization in itself, when in reality, a good way to judge the success in all, and of the Modern/Western World, is very much from the Political Imagery, and that can be associated with it [that the Ancients in all again, did have far more powerful Political Imagery, and that did even not only go along with their lives, but in many a way truly even, were truly representative, and of them too actually].

In all again, and to speak of so said Innate African Inferiority, and as with many even knowing Africans to be not only naturally Intelligent, but also in many a way even, chaste in their ways too actually, is to also speak of the reason and of why, Africa, is in many a way even, readily associated at times, and with Slavery too. That in many a way, Africans, and outside Egypt too, have lived lives, and not only as defined by the Knowledgeable, the Experiential or even the Interactional too (and as seen in most places out in the World in all), but that the basis of Life in Africa, has always been based around what one could term the Behavioural actually [that African Lives, and as with speak even of the Swahili term Tabia, have always been defined, and by just whom Africans are and as with regards to the Behvaioural, and as with this even speaking of many an African, simply sitting in a pose in all, and when relaxing too for instnace that is].

 In many a way, a difficult way in all, and of defining Life in itself, and as with speak even of Africa as memorable, and as consisting of African Leaders, dictatorial in their ways, and known to laugh wildly too actually, but that in many a way even, this probably in all again, simply speaking of Idi Amin too, and as such an African Leader too that is.

In many a way, many a challenge in all, and to Africans too, and to just how in all again to go about living and defining their Lives, and as based around the Behavioural too, and as with this not only speaking of the desperate even, attempt, to develop, and along the lines of the Knowledgeable, the Experiential, or even the Interactional too, and as with all this even and at the basic level too perhaps, speaking of being Enigmatic, and as some Capoeira players even, or even Tango players too, truly are that is.

In all ways even, speak of Life and as based around the Behavioural too, simply speaks of simply liking oneself in all (despite not having attained too much that is), and as with summarizing life in Africa perhaps, and as going with the following saying: 'Life is Sweet, but Short'.

Example in Case: