Sunday 29 December 2013

St. Kizito & the Three Ugandan Matyrs

St. Kizito & the Three Ugandan Matyrs.

To speak of Cosmology in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of what some do term Human Affairs. At the very least in all again, the attempt in all, to apply Cosmology in all again, and into Human Affairs too, and as in truly wondering even, why the inexplicable does happen that is. In many a way, to speak of African Cosmology, is to speak of it all, and as helping in all again, define African Law actually.

In general though, African Law today, and in its most basic sense too, can be said to be divided into three spheres of influence in all. The first in all again does speak of Law, African, and as perceived via the lenses of traditional African Religions, and which can be basically classified as being Vodou too that is. The second does speak of the region of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and where Religious beliefs in all again, have always been Christian in their ways actually, making the original/indigenous peoples of these region, very much Christian in all that is [and as with the Law too actually] [and as with further speak even of Italy and Europe too that is]. The third way of perceiving African Law today, does speak even of Migratory trends into Africa in all, and as with speak even of those not perceived truly African actually, and in speech, behaviour or manners too that is [and as with they even not readily respecting in all, Indigenous or Native forms of Authority that is]. In all again, this group can be classified as being Missionary, and as their Religious beliefs in all, do span Christianity, Islamic beliefs, and even Asian religious beliefs too, and in many a way even, the group of people in all again, and as with regards to African History too, who can best be classified as being 'Black Africa' that is [and as with all this even speaking of Black Power Movements, Black Separatist Movements and even Black Liberation Movements, and as seen on the Continent, and outside it too actually].

In all ways though, the reason for this post, is to talk of the story of St. Kizito and the Three Ugandan Matyrs. In many a way, this story does appear to be Cosmological in its ways, and as with it even believed, to have come to strongly shape a general Ugandan Consciousness in all, and as with regards even to general Law in itself, and in all again, what is believed said good or bad that is. In all again, in attempting to erase this general consciousness in all (and as with the story of the Three Ugandan Matyrs too, said to very much speak of whom Modern Ugandans in all again, are with and as with regards to general Lawful behaviour too that is]. In all ways even perhaps, an attempt to reconnect Uganda to its true past, and as with speak even of Modern Law in itself, said to be subjective in its ways that is [or in many a way even, simply limiting one, and as with regards to full Human expression actually]. In all ways even, the above work posted 'African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo', and as believed even truly suited in all again, and for an upcoming Ugandan Generation in all, and as with the attempt even, to erase the harmful effects of Modern Law in Uganda today (and as with it Missionary too), and in all ways even, help the average Ugandan in all, free their thoughts in all again, and as with regards even, and to full Human expression that is.

The Ugandan Youth today: