Tuesday 31 December 2013

African History Revisited

African History Revisited.

To speak of revisiting African History in all, is to speak in all ways even, and of Modern attempts in all again, and to interpret African History, and from the very perspective of Scholars and as living in Nigeria and West Africa too that is. In all again, a way of looking into African History, and that has truly distorted the Self-Image that many an African holds of themselves, and by associating African peoples in all, and with other such similar looking peoples in all too, and to be found around the World too actually [and as including Central Asia, the Middle East and even Asia too that is].

In many a way, the above view of looking at African peoples in all, is the one put forward in the above posted work: Africana, and by one Kwame Anthony Appiah, and another Henry Louis Gates Jr. too that is. This view though, is not acceptable to most out there, and African too, and who do not truly identify and in all ways even, and with similar looking peoples in all again, African looking that is, and to be found outside the Continent actually.

To help African peoples in all, make these distinctions, is to in all ways even, speak of what does intrinsically in all again, separate Africans, and from other such populations, and as to be found around the World that is. To begin all this, is to speak of Africa and Africans, and from the very perspective of African Designs actually. That in all again, it is believed that there does exist in all, Knowledge Bodies in all again, that are truly African, intrinsically even, and as with speak even of African Designs that is. In most ways truly even, this does actually refer to African Religion, and as truly existing only in the form of Vodou in all that is [and as with other African looking peoples out there, not Vodou and in all ways even actually]. It is this History in many a way, of African Designs, that can be associated with the History of African Migrant Labour in all, and as with this originating even, and with the History of Phoenicia in all again (and as separate from Egypt too), and as with the Phoenicians in all, said to have been masterly Sailors that is. This History does continue in many a way, and with not only the History of Swahili Sailors into Asia, but in all ways even, does merge with the History of the Kongo/Angola, and as not only Soldier-Sailors into South America (and alongside the Portuguese too that is), but that in all ways even, the modern concept of the Navy, appears to have been born of Africans, and as Soldier-Sailors too that is [and as with the Portuguese, and as Sailors too, and speak even of the Portuguese Jesuits, very much like Warrior-Knights that is, and not Soldiers either]. In all ways even, African Knowledge Bodies as sought out and via Slavery too, and as with speak even of African Slaves and in the Americas, and as reknowed Iron-workers actually (and as with bringing new techniques into the field of Iron-working in all), but that in many a way, the History of African Migrant Labour, has today in all come to be described in many a way even, and from the very perspective of what some do call the African Brain Drain that is. In all ways even, asking or telling many an African out there that, what does make them African, does also speak of the possession in all again, and of forms of Knowledge in all, and as with Vodou too, not to be found outside the Continent that is [and as with this basically speaking even, and of being rather Ideaful for instance].

The second way of looking at African History in general, and as separating Africans and from other African looking peoples outside the Continent too, does speak in all ways even, and of African Art, and also African Aesthetics that is [and as with speak of truly looking African actually]. This in many a way does speak even, and of theories of African Racial superiority in some ways (and as with speak even of the 'Fear of the Black Man' for instance, and in certain Black Caucus circles too that is), but that in all ways even, Africans don't truly see themselves as others do in all, and pretend to view themselves as being Holy that is, when in reality, speak of being African and as with regards to Aesthetics, does instead speak of Sanctity in all [or the very fact that, one cannot be tainted and in all ways even actually]. This in many a way, does speak of viewing African Art, and as with it said even, Classical/ancient in its ways (Ex1, Ex2), and as with the fore posted Art in all, truly speaking of African Aesthetics, and just how in all again, Africans, do truly look like that is [and as compared to African looking peoples outside the Continent actually]. In all, an attempt to shift Africans in all again, and as with speak of Self-Awareness too, and from falsely perceiving themselves as Holy, and instead see themselves and from the very perspective of Sanctity too [and as with interpreting African History in all again, and outside Africa too, and from the perspective of Sanctity that is].

The third way of viewing Africans in all, is unknown to most in Africa, but has become the preferential way in all again, and of viewing anyone said to be African looking in all that is. In all ways even, this does speak of viewing the History of the World in all again, and from the Swahili term Historia too, and as with it even said to speak more of Greek History actually, and not Egyptian History truly either. Historia in all, does speak of viewing Historical events in all again, or even History in itself too, and from the very perspective and of how one is said to Move, Act/Re-Act, or even Do things in all that is. That in all again, speak of Western Supremacy, or even Western Superiority in all, does not truly speak of Technology in itself actually (and as many do believe), but in all ways even, just how Westerners in all again, do perceive themselves, and from the very perspective of how they do Move, Act/Re-Act, and even Do things actually [and as with putting on an accent for instance]. In all ways even, speak of Africa as such, does speak even of Africans viewing African History, and from the perspective of Egyptian, Nubian and Libyan Civilization too, when in reality and in all again, a much better view of all this does speak even of the Kongo in all, and speak in all again, and of Africans, and as defining themselves in all, and as with regards even to the History of Capoeira or the Tango too for instance. In all again, a failure by most Africans today, to define themselves from this perspective (and as with the rest of the World doing as such and in many a way truly even), and as with perhaps even telling one that, to speak of Kenya in all (and not East Africa truly either), is to speak in all again, and of a certain incident in all said to be associated with so called Slaves from East Africa, and in the name of the Zanj Rebellion too that is [that in all ways even, this incident does speak even and of Slavery in all, and as viewed from the perspective of how one does Move, Act/Re-Act, and even Do many a thing that is]. In all, the Zanj, and as hereby said even, to be actually from Kenya in many a way that is.

In all again, Africa as undeveloped and developed, speaks of certain peoples in Africa today, more or less Black African actually, and not truly African either [and as with Black Africans undeveloped, and facing many a self-esteem issue that is].

African 'Supremacy' modes:

Black 'Supremacy' modes: