Sunday 29 December 2013

The Primeval

The Primeval.

When we do speak of the Primeval, we are in many a way even speaking of the very origins of Civilized life and on this Earth too, and not as based around Political life that is, but truly in all ways even, speak of developing what some do term Humanity actually [or speak even of developing Sociable relations, and with just about everyone of interest too that is]. In all again, this does speak of societies in all, and as believed even evolving, and as based around three main streams in all: Hunters & Gatherers, Farmers and also Nomads too actually.

It is here though, where Africa in many a way is deemed a failure in all again, and as the Primeval in all, is not known to have existed and in well developed formats that is [and as with speak even of Archaeology too actually]. In many a way, speak of the failure of African societies to develop in a recognizable manner in all, speaks in all again and of the failure in all truly even, and in developing proper forms of African Humanity [and as with many an African out there, not willing to readily help their brethren in all that is]. 

The exception to all this, lies in three main regions/parts of Africa, and where in all again, Humanity, and as with speak even of Sociable relations, are more developed than in other parts of Africa, and leading to societies, where History is a recordable fact in all again, and as with regards even to perceiving History, and from the very perspective of Humanity too that is [and as with most African History in all, and as perceived based around Humanity too, and as with further speak even of daily events in all, falling mainly and into the realms of Oral History that is]. 

The exception though in many a way, does lie in three parts of Africa: South Africa & Namibia, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and also Egypt too, and as regions in all again, recognized around the World, and as based around Humanity too, and as compared to the rest of Africa that is, and as with Egypt too, having developed Nomadic cultures, Abyssinia and Hunter & Gatherers cultures, and also South Africa & Namibia, and speak even of somewhat developed Farming cultures too that is. In all again, these three places and as having folks in all, that most outside Africa, do somewhat take interest in, and as with speak even of general friendships that is.