Tuesday 17 December 2013

African Dreams

African Dreams.

There are those in many a way, and who do perceive Africa's future, or even Africa's Destiny in many a way, and from the very perspective of Total Decline too [and as with absolutely no activity or movement even, and of any kind too, taking place actually]. In many a way, those who do view Africa from this perspective, are not totally wrong, as it in many a way, does speak even of viewing Africa, and from the very perspective of National Identities too.

To speak of National Identities, and even African History and as perceived from National Identities too (and as with they Modern in their ways too that is), is to actually speak of the Politicized and often virulent world and of African Languages too. That in all ways even, many a debate on Africa, and as having to do and with National Identities, and even perceiving African History and from as such, does speak even, and of many a Political debate, and as arising even and with speak of Language too. In many a way in all, which Language in all again, is especially suited, and for creating National Identities in any African Country, and as with this speaking even of Neo-Colonialism too, and the further belief that only English, is truly suited in Africa, and for creating Civil National Identities in all.

However though, one does find Africa, to be rather Diverse in all (and as with speak even of African Diversity too), and as with regards to its Languages actually. Languages in all, that do have their many speakers, thinking even, rather differently, and from those who might speak another Language that is. In all ways even, Language as an oppressive tool, and as with those who do speak Languages deemed more eloquent in their ways, believed superior in all, and as versus those who might be truly intelligent, but not truly eloquent either. In all ways even, speak even, and of whom has mastered the English Language in Africa too (and speak even again of Neo-Colonialism in all) [and as with the belief even, some African Languages might be rather ideal for running Local Communities, or even small regions in all too really, and as compared to English in general that is], but that in all ways even, an attempt to somewhat resolve this, does speak of Africa, and as the said birthplace of Human Languages in all truly even [and as with this even speaking of the now even believed somewhat, Superiority in all again, and of White skinned populations in Africa, and as with they even only associated with the English Language, and with many another population, non-white too, associated with a supposedly believed inferior Language in all that is]. 

Below though, and in the attempt to free many an African, and from many a shackle even, and as with speak even and of just how to perceive African History, and as with speak truly even, and of Africa's future too that is, are five proposed ways in all, and that do speak, and of just how best in all again, to view African History, and the African Future too that is [and as with it even, somewhat truly Individual in its ways actually] [and other than speak of National Languages in all, communicating in them, and as with this even speaking of the very world of Wole Soyinka too, and as compared to the version/'vision' proposed below, and that does speak in many a way, and of the very world perhaps, and of Toyin Falola too that is].

African Religions: And as with they even not only speaking of African Gods in all, but in all ways even, speaking of Ritualized life too, and in Africa that is, and as with this even speaking truly again and of just how best to plan out or organize in general that is, African lives actually [and as with African Religions too, mainly speaking of life, and as lived rather prosperously even, and at a Local, Communal or Regional level too that is].

Oracular Knowledge Bodies & Oracles: A way of living in all, and that does mainly speak of defining Success in new or novel ways too actually, and as with attempting even to broaden the lives of many an African too (and as with attempting to diversify African Marital relationships for instance), and in many a way in all again, actually does speak of African Technologies, African Architecture, and even African Thought in all [and as with the Egyptian Pyramids too, very much a part of this world actually].

Political Ideologies: In many a way, this does very much actually speak of the world of not only African Families, but as with they even, actually based around Ancestor Worship & Veneration too that is. In many a way in all, this actually does speak of Migratory patterns and within Africa too, and as with all this even, speaking of many an African regional war/turmoil in all truly even. In all again, African societies, and as primarily only said to revolve around the African Family too actually.

African Mythology: In many a way, the very world of African Legends, and speak in many a way too, and of Africans who in all ways even, seek to very much make their own lives, and as memorable as possible actually. In many a way in all again, the very world of the mythic Capoeira figure, the Malandro too, and in Brazilian History too that is.

African Folklore: In all ways again, the very world of African Folklore in itself, African Oral History, and speak even of African Oracular Knowledge Systems too, and as with they even at the very heart actually, and of many a Tribalized or Racialized Identity in all that is. In all again, speak of Africa as being Cultural in its ways and as with speak even of African Art/Music, but in all ways even, speak even of differing Group formations in all again, and that can be said to bring Happiness, directly too, and in ones life too that is.