Friday 27 December 2013

Respect, Honour & Loyalty

Respect, Honour & Loyalty.

To speak of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, and on a basic level too, is to then mention that, it all does speak of Organization in all, and even Self-Organization too. In many a way though, how one in all does define Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does differ in all too even, and around the World that is. Africa in all again, is actually rather unique in its ways and as with regards to this, and as defining Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does differ, and in Egypt, South Africa, and the rest of Africa too that is.

In all, one does find Egyptian norms of defining Respect, Honour & Loyalty, more prevalent around the World, and as they do speak even of Planes of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. In South Africa though, speak in all again, and of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does speak even, and of Stratums actually, and of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. In the rest of Africa though, speak even of Respect, Honour & Loyalty, does speak even actually, and of Levels of Knowing, Understanding and Comprehension too. All this too, and for those Africans who do believe in Organization in all, Modern too, and as based around Planes of Knowing or Understanding that is.

In all again, Planes of Knowing and Understanding, and as referring to Comparison in all, Levels of Knowing or Understanding, and as speaking even of Weighing in all (and as with Weighing ones chances too that is), and with Stratums of Knowing or Understanding on the otherhand, and as speaking even of Correlation in all that is.