Friday 31 January 2014

African Biographies

African Biographies.

Many in Africa in all, do actually know of African Biographies. They in many a way though, are often falsely presented (and as with they even not genuine African Biographies in all), and from the perspective of Biographies in all again, and as seen outside Africa too, and which in all do speak of Excellence and in one form or another that is. 

In many a way though, African Biographies speak more or less, and of how Africans in all, do choose to suffer that is. In many a way too, and as with speak even of the late Nelson Mandela for instance, Modern African Biographies, and as with speak even of how Africans do suffer in all, are falsely presented and from Political scenarios in all that is, when in reality, Political situations in Africa, and as with speak even of Nelson Mandela too, actually do arise and in the Social spheres or realms of living that is, and not Political ones either actually [that Nelson Mandela in all, and as presented in all again, and as fighting for Black South African rights, is often poorly presented and from the perspective of the Umkhonto we Sizwe, when in reality, Nelson Mandela was known to attend many a Social occasions in all, and as in holding even many a Press conference too, and in simply in all again speaking his mind, and on bringing Social change to South Africa, and not Political change truly either].

In all, the very belief that, African Biographies are very much based around suffering in all, and as Christ would, is a false way or manner in all again, and of perceiving African lives that is, and as this manner of suffering and as including life time imprisonment, is actually very much of Italian origins in all that is [and as with speak even and of those whom in a foolhardily manner in all do subscribe to Italian Thought and without knowing whom they are when they do as such that is], and with African manners of suffering on the otherhand, having a comical tinge to them actually, and as with Africa too and suffering in all, actually speaking of African Tricksters that is.

In all, the very true belief that, African Biographies, do actually make for African lives, and as truly lived even and at the base levels too that is. To understand this better, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak of African Biographies, and as differing from other Biographies out there, and as with speak even, and of what does inspire in all, many a Biography and to be seen outside Africa too that is. That in all perhaps, this does speak even and of basically perceiving Individual lives even, and from the very perspective of Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and even Personal lives in all, and as with all this even, when fully lived, meriting in all again, a Biographical work of a kind actually. Africa on the otherhand does differ in all, and as in stating the belief that, Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and Personal lives in all, and in Africa too, do actually owe their inspiration, and to base African lives in all, and as with these base African lives too, actually speaking of African Biographies that is [that African Biographies, do speak of suffering in all, and as a Trickster would, and as with all this even, actually speaking of the Ridiculous, and as with it in all again, serving as an inspiration, and for those who do live Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and Personal lives too that is (and as with they even speaking of defining what is truly Ridiculous or not actually)].

In all ways though, what does really constitute in all, and for African Biographies? Perhaps in all again, it can be said even, and of redefining African Locales (or even Village lives too), and as based around even the so termed '5 Pillars of Islam' actually, and as interpreted and from an African perspective that is [this, or speak even and of turning the African Village, and into a Salsa paradise of a kind actually].

In all, speak of African Biographies, and African lives and as lived at a base level, does in all ways even speak of deciphering Africa as follows. First off, it actually does speak of Africa in all, and as perceived even and via the lenses, and of Profit, Loss & Gain too [and as with this even speaking of the world of Africans who do oversleep, and on a day when one is supposed to have an important meeting, and with an International clientele for instance]. Second off perhaps, is to speak of African Realities, Realms, Spheres of living and also Settings too and as with this basically even speaking of African Habitats in all, but in many a way too, very much speak of what does constitute for African Power [and as in speak of Coercion, Control, Domination, and even Pressure too perhaps]. In all again, African (Social) Power in all, and as gaining inspiration even, and as with speak of African Locales/Villages and as rather dynamic, gaining an inspiration in all again, and from a work and such as 'The Sources of Social Power' and by Michael Mann too that is. Thirdly, is to speak perhaps and of Ideals in all, and as with what even does constitute and for the perfect African, and as with he not Holy or Innocent in his ways, but a Trickster in all again, and of a large magnitude too that is [and as with African Tricksters, widely varying in their ways that is] [Link]. Fourthly, is to speak of Flashbacks in all, and as with this even not speaking only of Memory actually, but in all ways even, and of Personal Reflections even, and as with regards truly even, and to what does stand for (Social) Justice that is [Link] [and as versus speak even of Natural Law, and as with it said to speak of the functionable in all that is]. Finally in all, is to perhaps speak of Pensive Thought, and as with speak even of the African Biography too, it referring in all again, and not to the Reprimand and as might be common in many an African Locale perhaps, but in all ways even speaking of the Drawback (or the Objectional too), and as with all this even speaking of African societies, and as advanced in all, and as with speak even and of a Hollywood Feature film for instance [Link]. 

In all, the above and as deemed perhaps, and as with speak even and of invigorating African Village and Locale life in all, suitable for all this, and as with truly in all again attempting to define life in Africa in all again, best speaking of truly defining the Locale, and as highly diverse even, and as versus the National too that is [and as with speak even perhaps too, and of many an African Locale or Village, and as connected to each other too, and as with speak even of African Networks that is].

The African Biography (or speak even and of the Ridiculous in all that is):

Thursday 30 January 2014



Those living in Africa in all, are often said or believed even, and to be in the perpetual search, and for many a people in all, and outside Africa too, and who do hold similar core Traditional Religious beliefs and as seen amongst Africans that is [and as with this even speaking of Vodou too actually]. While many in all, have often turned to the Americas and as with regards to all this, and with others even, studying Asia and especially Bangladesh and India too, and as with regards to Traditional Religious beliefs held, one can in many a way too,can then introduce many a Traditional African (Vodou) in all, and to Iceland that is, and as with its people in all again said or believed even, to have Traditional Religious beliefs, and that could very well be said to be in harmony, and with Vodou in itself too that is [and as with the alternate name of the place, Greenland that is, speaking of it all perhaps, and as Traditionally too, similar to North America in one way or another that is].



Tuesday 28 January 2014

Harmonia Mundi

Harmonia Mundi.

Harmonia Mundi, and as with it all even, speaking of many a piece of Artwork in all, and as to be seen on a Harmonia Mundi CD in all again, and as with all too emanating, and from the Arthurian world and as seen in Italy too [and as with the Celts and the Arthurian world, originally Italian that is], and in many a way even and as with regards to Africans in all, did actually speak (the pieces of Artwork mentioned before that is), and of General, Average and Typical behaviour, and in Italy too that is [and as with perhaps many an African even, identifying somewhat, and with this kind of behaviour that is] [Link].

Monday 27 January 2014



The above posted images in all, do speak of the term Afro actually. It in many a way speaking even and of many a cultural phenomenon in the US for instance, but with it all actually, referring or representing truly even, African-looking peoples, and as to be seen outside Africa in all, and who are not of the African Races that is [and as with speak even of African Genes that is] [and in many a way even, this speaking of African-looking peoples and as also found outside Italia and Europa too that is]. In all ways though, the complication here perhaps does lie and with some of Africa's populaces in all, very much Afro, and as with they even 'Missionary Christianity' / Western in their ways, and who in many a way too, do have their origins, and from outside Africa too that is.



Those in Kamp-o in all, or even Uganda truly even, do know about URTNA. It is in many a way though, is believed said a Media complex in all, and that does simply attempt to create African Media in all. This in all ways even, is actually true, and as with speak of African Media here, and as it said to best somehow bring together, all Africans that is. In many a way though, and as with belief even that Ugandans in all, are actually truly similar to all Africans and outside Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, is to perhaps even state that, when those in Uganda in all, do think and of just how in all, they are similar to those in Abyssinia, it is best perhaps in many a way then to think of Afropean cultures [Link], and as with Afropean in all, best actually called Euro-African too, and as with it culture even, more African in its ways, and not mainly or truly European either that is [and as with URTNA in all again, best believed centered around Uganda in all, and not Ghana truly either actually]. 

Finally, Afropean or Euro-African cultures, in all truly even and as more or less centered around Belgium in all, and as those in all again, wishing to borrow from Europe in all, and even directly, best seeking out Belgium, and not England, France, the Scandinavia or Germany either that is.

Euro-African (Afropean):

Sunday 26 January 2014



The Politics of the Diatribe:

Most in Africa, might have heard of Marginalization in all, and as with it even speaking of African History in many a way, and as including that of Egypt too actually [and as with the African Continent, appearing to be more defined in all, and by Marginalization and in the form of the Diatribe too, and as versus most other places out there that is]. In many a way, and sorrowfully so, Marginaliztion and the Diatribe has come in many a way and in defining relations between the Sexes, and in Africa too, and as with speak even and of an incessant habit of bad-mouthing or speak even of gossip too, and as seen often and amongst many an African Woman too that is.

To understand the History of Marginilization better, and speak even of the Diatribe, and as with it even somewhat African/Egyptian in all, is to actually know that it did play a role, and in the so termed 'Fall of Europe', and as with further speak even and of the so termed 'Ancien Regime' in France (they who did seek to commemorate themselves, and against the forces of the Diatribe that is), but in many a way even, speaks of European History, and as rising and falling, and as based around Marginalization and the Diatribe too, and further speak even, and of just whom King Arthur, King of the Celts, truly was and in European History that is [that the History of the Diatribe, does also speak of someone so magnificent in his ways, that nothing erroneous in all, can be said about them that is].

In many a way though, this tradition of King Arthur, does not arise with Arthur in himself, but in many a way even and with further speak of Greece and Sparta, or even truly in all again, speak of Egypt and the Pharaohs of Lower Egypt that is.  

In all, this is truly the best way, and to perceive in all again, the History of King Shaka (and of the Zulus), and as he hereby presented and as very much a King too, and known very much even to be of significant intelligence in all, and by the British too that is.

To understand the above better, is to perhaps speak of just what does constitute Marginalization in all that is. That it in all again, speaks of those in society, and who have very much risen and by their own accord, and just to find themselves in all, facing hate or hatred in all again, and from those who simply do lack the Discipline (and not Intelligence truly either), and to make it on their own that is [in all, the very rise even and of speak of Security in itself, and as with Security here, defined not from Intelligence in all, but from speak even actually, and of Discipline in itself too actually]. In all ways, those who have risen, and simply seek to protect their way of life, or even more diabolically, speak of those who might wish to taint one in all, and in memory or name too that is.

In all again, the History of Marginalization, is often presented and from the very perspective of that believed suspect in all, and as with speak even and of African History today, poorly presented in all, and is popularly known too, that those Africans in all again,often capable of bringing change to the place, are often Marginalized (or shut out of society), and in favour perhaps, and of those criminal in their ways that is [and as with this perhaps speaking even of the very fact that, African societies, and as having evolved and as based around respectability (and at all moments too), does see those who possess respectability, and in the form of the criminal in all, heavily respected even, and as with further speak too perhaps even, and of Africans today, and as with speak of consciousness too, dealing with issues pertaining to Slavery, Colonialism and even Discriminatory attitudes (and as arising from those outside Africa in all ), and via presenting oneself in all, and as Criminal-minded that is] [and as with all this even referring to the vicious nature the Diatribe in all, can take and between the Sexes in Africa, and as with regards to Womenfolk in Africa, simply comparing or truly even contrasting themselves and their Men, and to just about anything too that is (and as with associating Blackness in all, and as with Black Males too perhaps, and with Black Panthers in all that is)].

In many a way though, to best speak of Marginalization, and not the Diatribe specifically either, is to speak of it and as speaking in all, and of Life on this very Earth actually. Life too, and as perceived mainly in all, and by Creatures actually (and such as Panthers or Lions and Cheetahs too), and as versus speak of Animals in all that is. That for the Creatures, and as with they even believed to have certain paranormal powers (and as with speak even of intuition too), does speak and of Life on this Earth, and as very much perceived from the very perspective of the Predator that is [and not the Criminal minded truly either]. 

To speak of Life on this Earth, and as very much perceived from the perspective of Predators, does in all ways even speak of perceiving Life in itself, and from the basic perspectives of Gender, Money, Socialization and even Family too in all. That in all, speak of perceiving oneself, and from the above forces in all perhaps, does speak even, and of viewing oneself as Sacred, Reknowed or even Holy too that is. In all ways even, this does speak of what some do term Tests, Trials and Tribulations in all, and as arising in all again, and with speak of how one does define in all, Moral Responsibility that is [and as with this furtherly speaking of Preserving, Protecting and Defending ones Memory on this Earth] [and from a rather Individual formation even], and as with further speak of ones Memory in all, being Tainted that is [and as with all this basically speaking of the Diatribe in all actually] [and as with perhaps furtherly speaking of many a sculpted work of Art in Egypt, and of the Pharaohs too, and as unknown to most speaking of the Preserving in all, and of the Memory of the Pharaohs, and against in many a way even, the Diatribe in all, and as arising with Womenfolk and in Egypt too that is (that unknown to most, Majestic sculpted works of Art, and of Egyptian Women in all, are not known to truly exist that is]. 

In all again, the very belief that before one does die, one very much has to a have a good Memory of oneself, and as with further speak even of Judgment, and by God too, and on dying that is [in many a way too and for those in Africa, Marginalization and in the rise of America in all, and as with speak even of the Diatribe too, does in many a way even speak of a movie and such as 'Gangs of New York', and as with it even in all, speaking of Americans in all again, not too pleased with a society, and that does support Slavery, or even one in all again, and that does not basically stick to Customs in all, and that have worked for a rather long time too that is] [and as with America as a tumultous place, speaking and of just whom in all, should define Customs or the Customary too: Men or Women].

'Egyptian Women' and the Memory of Self [Link].

In all though, what does really constitute and for Marginalization and the Diatribe? For some, it does arise and with their rising in society or Life in itself, and via creating Identity and as basically based around Gender, Money, Socialization and even Family too, and all this as represented and by many a Physical Image that is [in all, speak of attractivity and even physical strength and prowess, and as with this even speaking of the very origins of Civilization in all, and as it all very much backward, but with it in all again, very much defining the Modern/Western World that is]. Many another society in History, had risen above this [defining Immortality in all], and as with speak even and of those who did seek to basically rise up in society, and as very much based around the worship of certain Gods & Goddesses [and as with this even speaking of the tumultous History of Egypt, and in an Egypt too and where many a person in all, did worship many a differing God, and speak in all ways even, and of which God was truly Egyptian (and as with speak of Osiris or Isis too), and as with this matter, and after many a violent encounter too, and as dealing with Diatribe in all, and in Egyptian History too, coming to be concluded in all again, and in the name of Anubis too that is [and as with Anubis in all, and as a God of Judgment too actually, and as with regards to what did constitute for being an Egyptian in all that is].

There are those who did separate themselves from others, and as based around Speech in all, and as with this even speaking of European History, and as with those Marginalized in all again, possessing lower Speech that is. What of Historical Background? It in all speaking of those who did define their lives as being perfect in all, and perfect too, and as to be copied by many another person and who very well could perhaps, and speak in all ways even and of Marginalization and via the Symbolism in all that is, and that one did seek to associate themselves with, and as with further speak even of Greek History, and in many a way too, just whom Sparta were, and in Greek History too that is [and as with speak even and of defining Shame and as from the above that is] [and all this even speaking of Dress, Architecture/Homes, Food/Cuisine and even Art/Music too that is]. 

There are those who do define Marginalization in all, and from the very perspective of Ancestor Worship in all again, and as with speak even of the History of Famed Peoples in all, and those believed even and to have changed  the course of History in all again, and as with this form of Marginalization, very much even defining the unknown tumultuous History of South America in all, and as with speak even of being isolated and from society, and as a misfit/minority too that is [that there are those who do seek to present European History and from Famed Figures in all, and in many a way giving a very false picture of European life, and as with the presenting of European History as such, very much done in all, and by South Americans too that is].

What of Religious Masks? Those in Africa might know of Religious Masks and as arising with Dahomey too for instance, but in many a way, speak of Religious Masks in all, does actually speak of someone who does view things in a certain way (and as with speak of how much effort is needed and in doing anything), and does in many a way even, speak of the very rise of Italy (Italian Civilization), and as seen in a work and such as the Aeneid too that is [and for those who falsely believe Italian people, to very much be like Europeans that is]. 

France, and as somewhat different from the rest of Europe, sees it now defining Marginalization in all, and as with speak even of the Diatribe, and from an Institutional perspective that is [and as with further speak even and of the Institution of the King of France, the Institution of the Queen of France, or even the Arthurian Gendarmes too], and as with the Queen of France in all, attempting in all again to very much unite all French people, the King of France and as helping put an end, and to many a Diatribe even, and to be seen all over France too [and as with French people in all, those to think others in all again, and as living much better than themselves], and with the Gendarmes, very much dealing with those in France, not Predatory in their ways, but truly Criminal minded actually [and as with they murderers too that is] [and all this and as very much even speaking of America today perhaps, and as with regards even and to speak of the influence and of Popular culture, and as Sexual even, and amongst many an American Teen that is] [Marginalization in France in all though, and as with speak even of the Diatribe in all, and as very much taking evil machinations, and such as those to be seen in the 'Count of Monte Cristo', or even the 'Man in the Iron Mask' too that is].

The world of Names though, is known to most in Africa perhaps (and as with speak even of Dr. Wole Soyinka), and as with regards even and to Marginalization that is. In many a way, it can take a National scope, but in most ways even, does take a Regional scope in all that is. While Africa in many a way today, does somewhat truly define Marginalization, and from the perspective of Names, this History is also very much Italian (and as with speak of the name Michelangelo for instance), and as with Italian Names even, not only Regional in their ways, but speaking even, and of many an Italian in all, and as not allowed in all again, and in living in other parts of Italy that is [In many a way too, speak of the Name and Marginalization, and as very much becoming a part of French History and via Italian Influence too, and as with basic speak even of D'Artagnan in all, and the Three Musketeers too that is].

Finally perhaps, an unknown way of defining Marginalization in society in all, and as based around Cleansing Rituals too that is [the very belief that, one can engage in just about any kind of Behaviour in all, and still be able to be Cleanse oneself and of any ill boding feelings, and as compared in all again, and to being Healed in all that is]. In all ways even, this very much speaking of the unknown tumultous History of Abyssinia in all (and as with speak even of Christian Ethiopia and the Kebra Negast too, and also speak of what some do term 'Byzant' in all), and as with this all even, speaking of the known fact that Kenyans for instance, are rather basic in their Traditional Religions, and as with speak even of Indigenous peoples in Kenya, and as with further speak of the Maasai and even those becoming Indigenous and such as the Kisii too (and as with the late Tom Mboya for instance, having been Kisii, and not Luo either), and as having Names for God and such as Nyasae or even Ngai, and which does speak of God, and as someone very much able in Cleansing one, and from just about all forms of, Ill-boding Feelings that is [and of oneself actually].

In all though, all the above, and as very much also speaking of the History of Italy [and as with Marginalization and in Italy, very much described actually, and by all the above], and as with all this speaking even and of the term Forza too (and Italian Law in many a way), and further speak even and of Italian Cities that is (and as with speak of Italian Sexuality in all,  and as even going along with Cleansings that is), and as with perhaps even speaking of the very work 'The Mysteries of Udolpho', and as speaking even and of Italy, and from the very perspective of Marginalization that is [that Italy, having defined itself as such, sees a ferocious Civil War, very much alike to the Greek Civil Wars, very much bringing down Italy, and in Memory too that is] [In many a way, and for those who do know Italy by the term 'Amore', speaking in all ways even, and of just how Italians, did seek to deal with Marginalization and the Diatribe, and as with 'Amore' even [Link], a basic Philosophy of Life in Italy that is].

In all again, Marginalization and the Diatribe in all, and as very much resulting and in what some do term Transmigratory patterns of Migration, and as with speak even of those who do consider two distant places in all, to be very much home that is.

Italy (and speak even and of the Diatribe):

Friday 24 January 2014

The Hero with an African Face

The Hero with an African Face.

There are those in Africa, and who have probably heard of the Hero. And while believed more or less a Worldly figure in all, the Hero in many a way has always been truly Greek [and as with those who might falsely believe, he was Egyptian too that is].

This post in many a way, does though, have to do, and with just how we do perceive History in itself actually. That unknown  to many a person today, the very manner and in which History in all (and as with speak of Modern/Western History too), is often perceived, is very much actually, and from an African perspective/manner in all that is. This in many a way in all, does actually speak of what some do call the Spectacle [and as a kind of African Humour too, and which does find a home in all again, and in the Carribean too that is]. That when one does speak of anything Historic, Historical or even speak of History in itself too, many in all, do attempt to present it all, and from the very perspective and of the Spectacle too that is [and as with holding even, a Presidential Conference, a Public Debate (and as versus belong to a Debate Club that is), or even having a Criminal openly arrested and arraigned even, and in a rather public manner too actually]. That in all again, when many do simply seek to record History in itself today, they in many a way basically think around the Spectacle in all that is.

The Spectacle (and the recording of History today):

[The above Songs and on President Barack Obama's Electoral Campaign, actually in many a way do speak even, and for the fight for Freedom and Rights in all, and as somewhat Caribbean too, and not truly American either].

Traditional American styled Campaigns and For Freedoms/Rights:

In many a way though, and despite what one would say about the Spectacle in all, and as a means of recording History, it does actually remain in all, a Valid manner actually, and for the recording of History in Anatolia in all, but in many a way in all, is actually not believed recommendable and for most of the World that is [and as the Spectacle in many a way, simply passes and as a form of basic Humour even, and in Africa too that is].

Traditionally though, History has been recorded, and in a differing manner actually. In many a way, this does speak even and of just whom Scribes in all, were in Egypt actually. That many in all, might have heard and of Egyptian Spirituality, and as somewhat similar even and  to Indian Spirituality in all, and which does in all again, speak of equating Life in all, and with Breathe too, and as with speak even of Pranayama that is. In many a way, to speak of Breathe, and the Breathtaking, is to speak even, and of the Pyramids at Gaza, and as with the Egyptians perhaps, very much attempting in all, and to record History, Egyptian and Other that is, and from the perspective of the Breathtaking that is [and as with all this, speaking of Scribes in all, and as recording in all perhaps, events in Egyptian History (History, Historical, Historic), and in the form of the Breathtaking too that is]. In all ways though, it can be said that the Egyptian way of recording History, is no longer truly alive, and as no one in all today, does perceive History, and as with speak of sentiments too, and from the Breathtaking that is [and as with perhaps stating that, nothing Breathtaking in all, does happen in this day and age that is][and as with all this furtherly speaking even and of (and in example too), Malian Music, and which does attempt to record History, and as with speak even and of Sundiata too for instance, and from the very perspective of the Breathtaking that is].

The Breathtaking:

[and as with furtherly reminding one too that, the original name for Egypt, is actually KMT (and which did speak of Lower Egypt, and towards Cairo that is), while the term Kemet, does speak of Upper Egypt, and with Kemetic, standing for Middle Egypt in all actually. In all, the name Egypt, or Aegypt too that is, standing for just how the Greeks did perceive Egyptian History/'Cultutre' in all, and as with it even referring, and as with speak of Classification too, and to Greek Cultural elements, and as to be seen in 'Egypt'/KMT that is (and as with this speaking even and of the City of Heliopolis for instance)].

In all though, is to perhaps speak of Africa now, and as recording History, and not from the Egyptian perspective in all (and of the Breathtaking too), but in many a way even, from the Greek perspective [and speak of the Hero too that is]. That in all, the Greeks did record History, and from the perspective of the so termed four rhetorical modes, and as with this speaking even and of Argumentation, Exposition, Description and even the Narration too that is [Link] [and further speak too that is, and of the Hero in all actually].

The Hero (Description):

[And as with the above song by Enrique Iglesias, speaking of the Description, and as can be equated in all, and with the Pearl Harbour bombings for instance that is]

Monday 20 January 2014

African Crossroads

African Crossroads.

This entry in many a way, is targeted towards one Dr. Wole Soyinka, and as with speak even truly, and of just how he does perceive himself as an African, and a Nigerian too perhaps. There is alot to be said of Dr. Soyinka, and especially as a critic in all, and as with regards to the African Continent in itself too. In many a way, and as the title of this entry does show, this does speak of Africa in all, and as perceived from the very perspective of Chaos & Disorder, everyday too, and speak even of the very fact that, the likes of Dr. Soyinka, did seek to 'escape' Africa in all perhaps, and for safe abode in all again, and in London too, and as with the belief that, Africa is a doomed Continent in all, and from speak in all too even, and of Chaos & Disorder that is. In many a way, Dr. Soyinka, and as said or believed even very much displeased in all, and as with regards to Africa not changing its ways, and as with speak even of the perceived Chaos & Disorder to be seen all over that is.

Dear Wole (Soyinka):

Hopefully, the salutation above did not add to any displeasure you might have of Africa, but in many a way even, it can be said to speak and of the Chaos & Disorder, that does continue to plague Africa in all, and at all cost it appears too that is. In many a way perhaps, this problem I believe, might not be as serious as it appears, but in many a way it actually truly is, and as with further speak even, and of being proud to be African that is.

In many a way, this 'letter' in all, is also targeted towards many a Youth in Africa, and who might not be in all, a part of your Audience (Dr. Soyinka that is) and as you attempt in all, and in bringing change to Africa, and as with regards to speak of Ordered & Lawful societies that is. 

To in many a way start off on this difficult topic on Africa and as a disorderly place too, is to perhaps speak of the very fact that (and as mentioned even and in a latter entry on African Designs: Fractals that is), is to speak of African Nature as being perceived rather wild even, and as compared perhaps, and to Nature and as seen in Europe too, and as with Nature in Africa, very much speaking of Fractals in all that is. In many a way perhaps, it also does dictate in all that, African Order and Lawfulness, does perhaps take Fractals into account, and as the basis even, and of any logical construct in all, and in helping create Order and Lawfulness in Africa that is [and as versus Europe too for instance, where Lawfulness in all again, could be said to go along and with the Music of Mozart too for instance].

However though, there is another way, more complex in all too perhaps (and as with speak even of generating African Pride in all that is), and that does speak even of Local settings in all that is. This in many a way, speaks of how traditional African Villages for instance, were very much ordered in all, and as with this speaking even and of three main things actually: Call-and-Response, Speech recognition, and even the use of Visual Descriptors (Audio-Visual perceptions in all), and in generally helping create Ordered African societies that is. What though does best constitute of the three above, and in African society today? A rather difficult question in all, and as with African societies said to readily vary even, does not speak of African Languages in all perhaps, but in many a way of the three forementioned ways in all, and of ordering African societies that is. In many a way too perhaps, is to in all again approach this topic, and from speak even of the trial/tale of the said Kongolese Saint, Kimpa Vita, and as with speak of her attempt even, to spread Christianity in all, and in the Congo/Angola region too that is, and as with it all having very much to do, and with Chaotic and Disorderly African societies to be seen in the Congo/Angola region that is [and as with speak even of African societies said to in many a way possess militant cultures that is].

Perhaps in many a way, a solution that could fit Africa today (attempting to deal with Chaos and Disorder, and from a Kongolese perspective, and as versus speak of Malian or Hausa/Fulani cultures for instance), but with also perhaps attempting to mention that, ones displeasure and for what has transpired in Africa and as now Chaotic & Disorderly in all, might not obviously have to do and with the failure to create proper African Identities in this Modern Age in all again (and as with this referring even, and to attempting to perfect African speech in all), but in many a way too perhaps, further speak even and of the very fact that, African cultures and as evolving even, and as based around Habitat models in all (truly knowing that is, what exactly is a Habitat), does speak perhaps and of the failure to find such a Habitat in all again, and as a perfect model too, and for the development of African societies in all [and all this, and as with regards to Chaos & Disorder actually] [and as with perhaps mentioning that, the writer here, Al, and as writing from Kenya too, is working from a Nature based Locale in all, a Habitat too, and that does very well go along and with the creative impulse it is believed, in being a Writer, or as with regards and to the writing of all this that is].

Writing from the above Habitat mentioned in all, and as with it called Karen too [Link1, Link2], and as with it even housing a Victorian styled Heritage in all that is, does call even and into disappointment, the Political and recent History of Kenya, and as with it even having been supposed in all, Kenya that is, to have developed and along the lines of Victorian Society too actually, but instead, one sees the flooding of Kenya in all, and after Independence too, and by many an African-looking people into the place, and with the end result being the Chaos & Disorder that one sees all over Kenya today too that is [and as with mentioning that, Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya, did house many a population in all, and that did consist of 'People of Colour', and whose origins vary and as with speak even of Europe, Italy and America too, and whose History in all again, has never truly been recorded that is] [To speak of one such character, is to actually speak of the Author of the so said Victorian work in all, Dracula that is, and by Bram Stoker too, and who was actually a 'Person of Colour', Victorian somewhat in his ways, but in all truly even, truly Italian (Italiano) actually] [In many a way, his work, is written and in a similar voice and style, and to this Blog too that is]. 

In all perhaps, and as a case study here too, and as with speak even and of the difficulty, and of putting now 'African' Kenya into place in all (and as with speak of everyday Chaos & Disorder that is), is to also say that, the work Dracula in all again, can actually be perceived even, and from the perspective of Call-and-Response, Speech recognition and even Audio-Visual Descriptors in all, and as with this even perhaps speaking of the possibility that, Kenyan society, had it remained Victorian in its ways in all, could very well have become the very home of Dracula himself actually. 

In many a way perhaps, is to also tell Dr. Soyinka that, Victorian cultures in all, are actually truly even in many a way, African in their ways (and all this and as perceived from a Communicational perspective), and as with further speak even of Indigenous cultures in Kenya, and such as the Maasai too for instance, and that 'African' Kenya in all today, is actually a creation of the attempt in all, to Westernize Kenya, and as with Westernization here, speaking not only of Inferiority Complexes that many an 'African' today possesses, but also in many a way, of the Communicational aspects of Modern African society (and as with Victorian Communications, mirroring Maasai Communications for instance), and as with it all believed even (African Inferiority Complexes), to originate in all again, and by the Writer here too, and with 'African' Speech patterns actually.



Sunday 19 January 2014

The Caribbean

The Caribbean.

Many in Africa, do not truly know why most out there, don't take them too seriously in all actually. In many a way, Africans are often perceived and as being Comical in all, and as with regards even, and to speak of the 'Fool' that is [and as an archetypal figure too actually]. In many a way too, this appears in all again, and to very much have to do, and with a kind of Humour in all [Link1, Link2], that most believe to be truly African, when in reality, it is actually in most ways even, Caribbean in all [and Humour too, more or less in the form of the Spectacle actually] [and as with one not knowing truly even, how some Africans in all again, did come to be associated and with this kind of Caribbean Humour that is]. In all ways even is to tell many an African that, when they do think of Africa and the kind of Humour posted above [the Spectacle in all], then let them think of the Kongo realm, and as it does exist in the Yoruba world that is: and as with all this in all again, speaking of Gelede actually.




One of the reasons for living out life, very much has to do, and with Celebrating it actually. It is here in many a way, that Africa starts to become Western in all, and as versus Modern too [and speak even of Africa and Modern Infrastructure that is]. In many a way, speak of Celebrating life, does speak even of Youth Development, and as with inspiring even, Youth in Africa, into upholding certain Communal beliefs for instance, and as with keeping in track in all, and with Family traditions too actually.

In Africa today though, one does find in all, that many a Youth are trapped in all this actually, Western forms of Celebrating life, and as with not knowing what else to do about it all that is. Hopefully speaking though, one does find many an African Youth, still adopting behaviour in all, and as originating with Western/American music, and very much of olden African Cultural origins that is [and as with speak even and of the descendants of Africans, and in the Americas too that is]. In all though, one does see three of these kind of African originating Cultural influences in all: Yoruba/Igbo, Congo, and even Kongo too. To speak of Yoruba/Igbo styled Cultural influences and as originating in the Americas for instance, and as with regards to Celebrating life in all, is to speak of a movie and such as the 'Best Man', and which in all ways even does speak of Celebrating life, and as based around relationships in all, and that do go along or revolve around in all too even, Western/American styled Marriages for instance [and as with this speaking even, of those who do define Wealth and Success, and as around Family too that is] [but with Ancestor Worship in all for instance, and as fundamental in creating African Family Identity too, not really taken into account that is] [Yoruba/Igbo].

There are those in Africa though, and very much Youth too, and who do wish to Celebrate life in all, and in manner that does speak of Congo cultural influences in the Americas, and in all ways even refers to those who do wish to Celebrate life in all, and as more or less based around many a Social Group formation that is, and which does wish for social success in all again, and as based around being Elevated actually [or in many a way, speak of those in a Social Group, each attaining success in their own ways, and waiting for it all to spill over to the rest of the members somewhat, and as with each member inspired to seek out success too, or be somewhat left behind, or kicked out of the Social Group too that is] [In all ways even, such Social Success, and not Education either, and as deemed primary even, and in succeeding in other areas of life, and as including worklife too that is]. In many a way, this does speak perhaps and of many a movie with Bill Bellamy in it, and such as 'The Brothers' for instance]. In all ways too, a way of Celebrating life in all, and that does not always translate well, and into Married life for instance [Congo].

However though and for many an African Youth today, and as with truly even helping one connect to ones Family traditions in all [and as with speak even of being guided by Ancestor Worship for instance], it is believed that it is in all again, Western music and as having Kongo cultural orientations to it (and such as speak of some of the music of R Kelly), that could very well be best, and in helping one remain African in this day we live in, and while Celebrating life, and in a somewhat Western context too that is [Kongo].

In all truly even, suggestions in all, and as with regards to the belief that, Africans in all again, best succeed in life, and when left to very much operate, and in a more or less Individual manner actually, and not from the perspective of Group formations truly either that is.

Saturday 18 January 2014



There are those in Africa, and who in all ways even, do not at the very least know what does constitute of African Authority in all [and as with speak even of African Manners too that is]. This is because, many do not realize that Africans in many a way, do simply know just how to Interpret many a thing, and from an African Patterns and Designs perspective that is [and as with they widely varying actually].

To better understand all this, is to in all even, speak of why in all Egypt and South Africa, do readily differ and from the rest of Africa too that is. That in Egyptian History/Civilization, and as with further speak even of the rest of the World too, Knowledge in all, or Problems too, were very much interpreted, and via the lines of Geometrical Designs actually [and as with this speaking even of European Classical Music for instance, and speak simply even and of thinking along with it all that is]. In some parts of the World though, apparently a fascination and with Arithmetical Knowledge Bodies in all (and as with speak even of Turning back the hands of Time' for instance), and as with further speak even of the upraising apparently and of the Hindu-Arabic Numeric system, and as a way of storing Knowledge in all that is.

For those in Africa though, and outside Egypt and South Africa too, it does appear that Knowledge which does truly work in the place in all, and as with speak even of City & Urban Design and Planning too, is truly in the form and of what some do term Fractals actually [and as with controversially even stating that Fractals in all, do encompass Geometry, but they do not truly define or enclose them/it either that is].

In all perhaps, Africa and as a said Dark Continent, speaks of the failure in all, and in understanding Fractals too that is.


(Victorian styled Music, and along the lines of Christian Ethiopia too that is)

Wednesday 15 January 2014



Turks, Moors & Englishmen.

Most Africans in all, never do truly perceive themselves and from the perspective of Geo-Politics [the false belief in all that, there is nothing much to envy, and about African life(styles) too that is]. This is not exactly true and as unknown to many an African, many an outsider to Africa in all, do seek out Africans, and as not only trustworthy people, but in many a way too, believed said in all, and as being able in all again, and in bringing Happiness to ones life that is [that many on meeting an African, civil too, simply feel free in their ways that is] [and as many an African, not understanding the fact that, many in the Western World might choose to hide themselves, and rather than expose their being unhappy in all, some terribly so, and despite all the Wealth accumulated that is] [and as with this referring even, and to the popularity of African Music in all, West African that is, and in the Western World actually, and amongst many a well-to-do person that is].

The above work though, Turks, Moors & Englishmen, and a work too not truly factual in its ways, can help those in Africa, and who do seek to Develop in all (and as with speak even of making/gaining a Family Name too), and along the lines of Geo-Politics that is [that in all ways even, a game of mergers and take-overs in all, and with a group seemed to be of interest, and at the very least, from a Cultural background that is, and not a Political one either].

When Africans do think of themselves as such, and as with regards even to Europe, let them think Africa-Spain-Ireland/Europe [and as with telling many an African in all that, to forget the UK, and try out Ireland, and when thinking in all, Geo-Politics that is] [this might speak even, and of an African, and as attempting to 'take-over' a Community or a Town, and in many a way even, in the very name of Religion in itself that is (and as with speak even of African healing practises in all actually)].

Monday 13 January 2014





Many in Africa, just might have heard, and of the term Italiano too that is. In all ways even, it is many a time often associated, and with Folklore Italy too that is. This is not wrong, but to make it exact in its ways, is to state that, the very world of the Italiano, actually does speak and of the unknown world of Italian Moors [Link], and also further speak of the African [Link], and in Italy too that is. A good example of an Italian Moor in all, is actually Lenny Kravitz [and who is in all, Folk Italy that is].

A Parody of the Italiano world:

The Grail

The Grail.

Some in Africa, and who have taken an interest and in European Arthurian History, might have heard of the Holy Grail that is. In all ways even, it is not what it appears to be, but in many a way too, a Christian Mystery of a kind actually. In all ways even, all this does speak of Accolades, and as envisioned in Italy too [and as a Religious/Sacred Mystery that is, and such as speak of the symbolic significance and of the Last Supper that is] (and as with the Christian World too having its origins in Italy that is), and in many a way, the Grail in all, does speak or symbolize even, an object or even a source in all again, and that would enable one in all, and to very much do as they please that is.

Sunday 12 January 2014



There are those in Africa, and who still do keep an eye on Europe or/and even America too, and as with wondering even, if something truly interesting in all again, is actually going on. Some in all ways even, do seek out South Africa in all, and as with the false believe that, their society in all again, might be easy to infiltrate or penetrate that is.

As God is my witness............

This post in many a way, does have to do and with what some do term Accolades actually. That in all, all this does refer or speak even, and of just why we are on Earth actually, and why in all again, we simply even care to live out our lives, and in all ways even, speak again, and of why in all to keep evolving that is. 

To understand the above better, is to simply say that, we are here on Earth at the very least, and so as to in all again, receive in all, what they do call Accolades that is. This in all ways even, does not refer to being praised by a fellow Human being in all, but in all ways even, does speak of God in all again, and as serving as a witness in all, and as with regards to anything one does engage in that is. In all again, speak even of what does constitute Human behaviour and as versus that believed to belong to the wild animals for instance, and as with speak even of the Subjective and Objective here, and with the Subjective speaking of one and their relations to others perhaps, and the Objective on the otherhand and as speaking of God too in all, and as a witness to anything that does happen on Earth that is.

 To speak in more details of the above, is to in all again, speak of how the Egyptians and the Greeks too, did envision in all, the Subjective and the Objective that is. That for the Egyptians, every moment of life lived, was all about what some do term Performance in all, and as with this speaking even, and of learning in all again, and of how to act at the very right moment in all, and at the right place too actually. For the Greeks on the otherhand, life in all and as envisioned in all again and as based around Dramatics too, and as with this speaking even, of simply truly knowing how to respond and in a (rather) expressive manner in all again, and as with regards to anything that does happen in all that is.

For many in Africa, brainwashing perhaps and as with viewing life in all, and as based around Dramatics too that is [and which does speak for instance of Europe and America for example]. In reality, when one does think Africa, it is best in all ways even, to think Performance actually, and as seen even, and in the movie above posted in all, 'From Hell' that is.

However though, speak of the attempt to receive Accolades in all, does get more interesting in all truly even. For while most of the World does operate in all, and as with speak even of Accolades, and in the form of Performance too, unknown to many in Africa perhaps, a third way of perceiving Accolades in all again, does actually exist: Histrionics. For unknown to most too, Histrionics in all, are actually very much Abyssinian/Kenyan, and does speak even of Victorian cultures and as seen in Pre-Colonial/Colonial Kenya in all, and in many a way even, what does separate Kenya/Abyssinia in all again, and from the rest of Africa and even the World in many a way, does speak of life and truly lived around Histrionics in all that is.

In all, Histrionics, and as with regards to Accolades too, speaking of viewing the Objective and the Subjective, and as primarily based around Laughter in itself too actually, and as with simple speak even, and of Adam & Eve, and in the Garden of Eden too that is. In all, is to also mention that, Anatolia in all again, and as with speak of Accolades too, does actually speak of Histronics in all truly even.
